Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries


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Presentation transcript:

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries The UN in Cambodia What is a “Middle Income Country”? Role of the UN system in middle-income countries Q & A Roles of UN in MICs_Ecole Royale Administration 25 February 2015

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries The UN system in Cambodia UN Secretary General UNDP Administrator Appointed by Report to Report to UN RC / UNDP RR Report to UN Country Team UNDP Country Director UNDP Country Office

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries The UN system in Cambodia

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries 2. What is a “Middle Income Country”? The World Bank Classification: GNI per capita Low income, $975 or less; Lower middle income, $976 - $3,855; Upper middle income, $3,856 - $11,905; High income, $11,906 or more.

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries 2. What is a “Middle Income Country”? Diverse group by size, population and income level, 5 of the world’s 7 billion people. 73% of the world’s poor people. One-third of global GDP. Major engines of global growth.

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries BUT “Middle Income Trap” Inability to progress beyond the middle income level by strengthening knowledge-based and innovation intensive sectors of the economy. Weakness in economic governance institutions Lack of labor equipped with high-end skills

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries 3. Challenges: Unfinished development agenda Socio-economic inequalities Economic Governance Environmentally Sustainable Growth and Development. Democratic Governance

Role of the UN system in Middle Income Countries 3. Opportunities Make future growth inclusive. Increase productivity. Increase women’s participation in the labour force. Modernize development and governance institutions. Bring about strategic and policy changes. Develop financial resources. Demographic window of opportunities.

4. Role of the UN system in MICs Peace building Project-oriented and technical in nature, and often structured in reference to the MDGs and guided by donor funding approaches and priorities. High-level engagement in policy advisory services.

4. Role of the UN system in MICs (Cont’d) Policy advice Advisory role and Convening role. Advocacy and Normative role. Strengthening capacity at national and sub-national level. Knowledge generation, bank and broker role. Partnerships - Increasing fiscal space. Facilitating South-South cooperation.

4. Role of the UN system in MICs (Cont’d) Reliable disaggregated data collection and analysis. Realize the demographic dividend. Assist in advancing environmental protection. human rights and Gender equality

Cambodia transition to MIC – support from the UN In Cambodia, the UN work on: 5 UNDAF outcomes (2011-2015): Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Health and Education Gender equality Governance Social protection

Realising the demographic dividend. Cambodia transition to MIC – support from the UN Opportunity for UN cooperation in Cambodia in the transition to MIC (2016-2018): Realising the demographic dividend. Human Rights based approach to the analysis of democratic governance deficit, inequality, vulnerability and exclusion.

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