KnowBrainer Professional 2014 Welcome Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with the new KnowBrainer Dynamic Sidebar. The new Sidebar allows you to make better use of your collection of KnowBrainer supplied voice commands, as well as your own custom voice commands, by letting you know what you can say and when. “Show Application Commands” see instantly which of your application- specific and window specific voice commands are available relative to the current active window. The commands update automatically on change of active window. “Show Global Commands” see your list of global commands at any time. “Show Hardcoded Commands” see instantly the inbuilt / hardcoded KnowBrainer voice commands. “Edit Selected Command” allows you to edit or examine the last recognised global, application or window specific KnowBrainer command which has been automatically highlighted on the sidebar “Hide Sidebar”, “Show Sidebar”, “Expand Sidebar” and “Contract Sidebar” at any time. If you prefer to operate KnowBrainer old-style, that is without the sidebar showing, just set that option in the sidebar options or “Hide the Sidebar” at anytime. You can then look at your commands when required by using “Show Sidebar”
KnowBrainer Professional 2014 Command Editor KnowBrainer Command Editor Create new commands instantly using: “New Global Command” “New Application Command” opens the command editor with the relevant application highlighted in the application, box. “New Window Command” opens the command editor with the relevant application and window title highlighted in the application and window combo boxes. KnowBrainer Professional 2014 implements the Polar Engineering Winwrap Basic scripting engine with customisations by pcbyvoice Ltd. Offers execution times far in advance of the Dragon Advanced Scripting engine and includes, for the first time with Dragon,.NET scripting giving access to the vast array of Microsoft.NET software libraries and components. New custom extension functions from pcbyvoice including ‘MimicWSR’, ‘OpenWebsite’, ‘MoveWindow’ and others as well as the familiar Dragon extensions such as ‘SetMousePosition’, ‘HeardWord’ etc.
KnowBrainer Professional 2014 New Features Mimic WSR functionality familiar with the Dragon function HeardWord? While HeardWord used within any script allows us to call any other Dragon command and emulate its functionality in the same way MimicWSR allows us to call any built-in WSR command from within Dragon. So quickly include WSR functionality in Dragon, like Show Numbers, with the following simple script: Sub Main MimicWSR ”Show Numbers” End Sub Open ended Commands create open-ended wildcard dictation commands incorporating free flow dictation, e.g. “Display ” can be called in example commands like “Display this is some text”, “Display I am testing free flow dictation”… Sub Main MsgBox ListVar1 End Sub Assign hotkeys to scripts of your choice. Quickly learn to use both simple and more complicated scripting techniques to create your own automated voice commands. Want to learn how a particular command you just called actually works? Simply call “Edit Selected Command” and KnowBrainer Professional 2014 will instantly show you how the command was implemented by script. .NET Scripting at your fingertips. Create extremely powerful voice commands utilising the Microsoft.NET objects and libraries as used with Visual Basic.NET. Hundreds of examples available on Google for automating all sorts of behaviour. COM Scripting allows access to all Microsoft COM libraries to allow utilisation of such objects as the Microsoft Office Objects, Dragon SDK objects and many more.
KnowBrainer Professional 2014 New Features Hold down and Release modifier keys and mouse buttons with included KnowBrainer scripts. New custom Scripting Extensions available for simple creation of commands, e.g. “OpenWebsite” for example the following script will open the Amazon website using Google Chrome on a new tab. Sub Main OpenWebsite " True, "Chrome End Sub Position and move windows to multiple positions on multiple displays. Positioning Windows by script has never been easier. Create voice commands that incorporate positioning the window in various preset positions available on any of your displays using PositionWindow. MoveWindow takes you one step further still and allows Windows positioning on any of your displays at exact pixel coordinates with the width and height of your choice using simple syntax. Sub Main PositionWindow 2,"Left Half“ MoveWindow 2, 120, 120, 400, 6 End Sub Use P/Invoke to implement most Windows API functions for the more accomplished programmers and scripters gain access to most of the Windows API using many examples held online at the P/Invoke Wiki.