Pforzheim (Germany) March 4 th 2013
Area Km 2 Population Inhabitants Population Density 27 Inhab./Km 2 Nº of Municipalities 87 Municipalities Over Inhab. 1 Municipalities Between and Inhab. 4 Municipalities Between and Inhab 2 Municipalities Between and Inhab. 8 Municipalities Between and Inhab. 32 Municipalities Under 1000 Inhab. 40
Business Initiative Development Entrepreneurial Region Tutorship Program Consolidation of the new company Access to Credit for Entrepreneurs 28 million euros
Mobility of the youth employment Within Europe Program "Join" Internship contracts to people under 30. Improvement in educational conditions Obtaining Degrees
Dual Vocational Training Paid Internship in Companies
Hiring Unemployed Youth Reduced social quotas (between 75% and 100%) First Young Job Conversion of Temporary Contracts into Indefinite Internship Contracts Incentives of 50% in Social Quotas
Flat Rate 50€/Month Social Security Payments during the first 6 months Receiving Unemployment Benefit Compatible with Entrepreneurial Activity Education Reform Results in the medium and long term
Need to know the actions that the European Union will implement to help alleviate the serious problem of youth unemployment. We will return to our province with a clearer view of the new European state and regional initiatives to be implemented, and those that will benefit the young Albacete people.