Rom. 8:15-17
HEIRS OF GLORY I. HOW IS HEAVEN GLORIOUS? A. NOT like this PHYSICAL world (2 Pet. 3:8-15; Rev. 20:11). B. IS a SPIRITUAL world. 1. No death, tears, sorrow or pain (Rev. 20:14; 21:4). 2. No marriage (Lk. 20:34-36). ~ A.D God’s presence (Rev. 21:3, 6-7). 2. True purity (Rev. 21:27). 3. A spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:35-50). (Rom. 8:15-17)
II. WHO WILL GO THERE? A. All have sinned – no one deserves to go (Rom. 3:9-24)! B. By faith in Christ we can be justified (Rom. 3:24; 4:1-4, 12)! D. What is Justification (Mt. 18:21-27ff)? 1. To render free, acquit, declare righteous! 2. Man ASKS, God GRANTS as He sees fit. 3. Includes learning to be better (18:28-34; Rom. 6:1-2, 15-16; 2 Cor. 5:17). C. What is faith (Rom. 10:17; Rom. 4:12)? HEIRS OF GLORY (Rom. 8:15-17)
III. WHAT MUST WE BELIEVE ABOUT CHRIST? A. Jesus is God’s Son (Jn 8:24, 59; 10:27-39). B. Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Acts 8:26-38; Mt. 10:28-33). 1. Why Come In The Flesh? a. To reveal God (Jn. 1:1-3, 14, 18). b. To take away sin (Jn. 1:29-30; 3:16). 2. Foretold in prophecy (Mic. 5:2; Mt. 2:5; Is. 53:1-12). 750 B.C. & 700 B.C. 3. Proven by miracles (Jn. 19:28-36; 20:1-21, 24-31). HEIRS OF GLORY (Rom. 8:15-17)
III. WHAT MUST WE BELIEVE ABOUT CHRIST? C. Repent of your sins (Acts 2:38; 17:30-31). D. Be Baptized for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:17-18; 1 Pet. 3:21). 1. Become a true child of Abraham (Gal. 3:26-29). 52 A.D. E. Walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7; Acts 8:22; 1 Jn 1:9). HEIRS OF GLORY (Rom. 8:15-17)
CONCLUSION: A. YOU Can Be An Heir Of Glory! B. YOU Must Ask God For Forgiveness By: 1. BELIEVING in Jesus as God’s Son. HEIRS OF GLORY (Rom. 8:15-17) 2. CONFESSING Jesus as God’s Son. 3. REPENTING of your sins. 4. Being BAPTIZED into Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. C. What Judgment Would You Rather Hear From Him? “GUILTY” or “PARDONED”? Will we accept His offer of pardon?