Channel3000 Advertising Capabilities 2010. Leaderboard Dimensions: 728x90 Placement: Top of Page Formats:.jpg,.gif,.swf Functionality: Rotates upon refresh.


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Presentation transcript:

Channel3000 Advertising Capabilities 2010

Leaderboard Dimensions: 728x90 Placement: Top of Page Formats:.jpg,.gif,.swf Functionality: Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: Home Section Story 728x90 Leaderboard Ad

Display Dimensions: 300x250 Placement: Middle Column or within a story Formats:.jpg,.gif,.swf Functionality: Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: Home Section Story Home Page Story Page 300x250 Display Ad 300x250 Display Ad

Hover Ad Home Section Story Dimensions: 120 pixels high x browser window width Placement: Bottom of Page Formats:.swf Functionality: The Hover Ad anchors itself to the bottom of your browser window on any section you target. As you scroll up and down on your site’s page, the Hover Ad follows. When requesting, please specify date and section Supported Pages: To see this Hover Ad animate, please Click Here. * If you wish to run a Hover ad on the homepage and story pages, interstitial settings would also allow traditional floating rich media ads to run there if they are targeted ROS. This is easy to prevent by excluding the homepage and Detail pages from ROS floating rich media targeting. Please contact your Campaign Specialist to review in greater detail if you feel this applies to you.

Pushdown Dimensions: 1000x300 expanded 1000x40 unexpanded Placement: Top of Page Format:.swf Functionality: Pushes the page down One ad per page, displays once per user per day When requesting, please specify date and section Supported Pages: Home Section Story 1000x300 Expanded 1000x40 Unexpanded

Pencil Ad Dimensions:1000x40 Placement: Top of Page Format:.jpg,.gif,.swf Functionality: Appears immediately on page load and remains on the page until a viewer goes to another section where the ad is not scheduled or leaves the site completely. When requesting, please specify date and section Supported Pages: Home Section Story 1000x40

IB Countdown Ads Dimensions: 300x250, 728x90, 160x600 Placement: Top of Page, Middle and Right Column Format:.swf Functionality: Show how many days, hours, minutes or seconds is left until a specific date or event, such as a sale or event. The countdown clock pulls data from the site visitor's computer clock to ensure accuracy and create a personalized experience. Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: Home Section Story To see the Countdown Ad animate, please Click Here. 300x250 Display Ad 728x90 Leaderboard Ad

Floating Rich Media Dimensions: Maximum size 500x300 Placement: Varies but will be above fold Formats:.swf Functionality: Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: Home Section Story 500x300 Floating Rich Media

Expandable Leaderboard Dimensions: 728x90, 728x180 Placement: Top of Page Format:.swf Functionality: Expands down upon user initiation Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: *Not available on video page. Home Section Story 728x180 Expanded

Expandable Display Dimensions: 300x250, 600x250 Placement: Display position Format:.swf Functionality: Expands left upon user initiation Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: *Not available on video page Home Section Story 600x250 Expanded

Content Integration Module Dimensions: 100x34 and 80x60 Placement: Right Column Formats:.gif and.jpg Functionality: Includes Titlebar, Titlebar image, Blurb image and Blurb text Rotates upon refresh or exclusive Supported Pages: Home Section Story

Bookend Sponsorship Dimensions: 100x34 Placement: Below an editorial widget Formats:.png Supported Pages: Home Section Story

Sponsorship Wrapper Dimensions: 650x60 Top, 650x90 or 650x120 Bottom Placement: weather map pages and editorial interactives Formats: Top-.gif or.jpg, animated or static Bottom -.gif or.jpg, animated or static Functionality: Rotates upon refresh or exclusive Supported Pages: Home Section Story

Weather-Triggered Ads Dimensions: 300x250, 728x90, 160x600 Placement: Top of Page, Middle and Right Column, up to 5 sections Formats:.jpg,.gif,.swf Functionality: Display different information depending on a specified set of weather conditions. Use a specific location and specific set of weather data (i.e. current temperature) to display a message appropriate to that condition. Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: *If more than one Weather-Triggered client is ordered to run on the same page at the same time, their trigger parameters need to be identical. Home Section Story 300x250 Display Ad 728x90 Leaderboard Ad

Video Display Ad Dimensions: 300x250 Placement: Display position Format:.swf Functionality: Two parts: a teaser and the video player. The teaser is a standard Display Ad that encourages or "teases" viewers to watch the video by clicking on a play button. If a visitor presses the play button, the teaser dissolves and the video plays within the body of the ad Rotates upon refresh Supported Pages: Home Section Story 300x250 Display Ad

Flash Video Dimensions: 180x135 Placement: Top Right Column Formats:.swf Functionality: Auto Plays upon first visit to section Rotates upon refresh or exclusive Supported Pages: Home Section Story

Full Page Ads Single Page Ads are client- based content pages that incorporate logos, images, text and links into the site using a variety of templates. Single Page Ads can also include additional functionality such as Coupons, Feedback Forms, and Flash Video Ads as requested.

Contest Pages Contest Pages provide contest functionality to collect information from visitors, such as their name, address and e- mail. The main components of a Contest Page campaign include: The template or layout, contest rules and the contest form. You may also add additional ads on such as questions fields, flash video and coupons.

Page Skin Ad Placement: Home and Section Pages. The Page Skin Ad campaign is active on the site for 24 hours. Campaigns may be extended by request. Formats:.jpg or.gif static Use a small graphic (100 x100 pixels max) on white background that can be tiled. IB will size as needed. Functionality: The ad does not click through, but its impressions are counted. Floating Rich Media cannot run on the same section or during the same time-period as the Page Skin Ad. Home Section Story

Blast An Blast is a customized that is sent out once the contest ends to everyone who has entered the contest. An Blast consists of a client's logos, images and/or text.

Customized Thank You Page A Customized Thank You Page allows for graphic treatment and a custom message. A Customized Thank You Page consists of a client's logos, images and customized text such as “Thank you for signing up; click here to go back to the home page.” Additional Modules may be included on the Customized Thank You Page such as the Coupon.

Newsletter Ads Placement: Skyscrapers appear in the right rail of html newsletters Text ads appear under the top story and headlines areas of text newsletters Formats:.jpg or.gif static or animated Functionality: Rotates upon refresh or exclusive 160x600 Skyscraper

Ad Opportunities UnitDimensionsSizeFormatServedHardcodedIndexDetailNotes IAB Unit Leaderboard 728x9040k GIF, Animated GIF, JPG, SWF   Expandable leaderboard available. See Product Catalog for details. IAB Unit Display 300x25040k GIF, Animated GIF, JPG, SWF   Expandable display available. See Product Catalog for details. (All pages must denote top or bottom if necessary) Header Ad230x9020kGIF, Animated GIF, JPG, SWF  Local promo ads that served by Google Ad Manager and not available local sales. Titlebar Logo100x343.5k Transparent PNG-24 image (generally logo) with stroke or glow since image may live on a dark or light background.  Titlebar logo to run on a specified titlebar on a section, can be paired with a brick ad if desired. Brick Ad300x10020kGIF, Animated GIF, JPG  Can run on all index pages, including homepage. Can be paired with a Titlebar Logo or run independently. Floating Rich Media Maximum size 500x300 40kFlash  Runs on index pages only, including homepage. Content Integration Module (CIM) Image size 80x60 with a 100x34 Bookend 3.5k Image: GIF or JPG Headline: 50 characters Content: 150 characters  Can be targeted to a specific section, exact placement on the page will need to be provided for scheduling. Webvision200x seconds of play time  Video can be served on any index page and will always be in the upper right hand corner. Can be set to autoplay the first time or always user initiated.

Ad Opportunities (Continued) UnitDimensionsSizeFormatServedHardcodedIndexDetailNotes Content Integration Module (CIM) Image size 80x60 with a 100x34 Bookend 3.5k Image: GIF or JPG Headline: 50 characters Content: 150 characters   Can be targeted to a specific section, exact placement on the page will need to be provided for scheduling. Hover Ad Unexpanded Leave Behind Element: 100 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall Expanded Element: Full browser width x up to 120 pixels tall 40KSWF   Hover Ad cannot be animated Hover Ad remains in its fixed location at the bottom while the site content appears to scroll behind the ad. The Hover Ad is collapsible and, when collapsed, a left-justified "Leave Behind“ ad appears. Pushdown Expanded: 1000x300 Unexpanded: 1000x40 40k 10k FlashNo goal  This ad should run exclusive for one day only on the specified index page. Pencil Ad1000x4010k GIF, Animated GIF, JPG, SWF   Appears immediately on page load and remains on the page until a viewer goes to another section where the ad is not scheduled or leaves the site completely. Countdown Ads 300x250, 728x90 40k Flash   Show how many days, hours, minutes or seconds is left until a specific date or event, such as a sale or event. IAB Unit Skyscraper 160x60040kGIF, Animated GIF, JPG  This ad unit is available for E- Newsletters ONLY

Questions? Contact your campaign specialist.