App Inventor 建國科技大學 資管系 饒瑞佶 2010/10. App Inventor Google 發展 可應用瀏覽器建立一個 Android APP UI 設計 使用拼圖定義程式行為.


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Presentation transcript:

App Inventor 建國科技大學 資管系 饒瑞佶 2010/10

App Inventor Google 發展 可應用瀏覽器建立一個 Android APP UI 設計 使用拼圖定義程式行為

App Inventor System requirements: Computer and operating system 1.Macintosh (with Intel processor): Mac OS X 10.5, Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 3.GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+ Browser 1.Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher 2.Apple Safari 5.0 or higher 3.Google Chrome 4.0 or higher 4.Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher

App Inventor Test your Java configuration Your computer needs to run Java 6 (also known as Java 1.6) Visit the Java test page. You should see a message that Java is working and that the version is Java 1.6.Java test page Visit the Java Web Start Demos page and click on a demo, e.g., Draw. The Java Web Start application will start and download the demo. Your browser should start it automatically. You may need to tell your computer to run the downloaded program with Java Web Start and give the program permission to run. You may also need to configure your browser to open jnlp files.Java Web Start Demos

App Inventor - Java test page Java test page

App Inventor - Java Web Start Demos Java Web Start Demos

App Inventor - Java Web Start Demos Java Web Start Demos 如果看的到,代表 JAVA 沒問題

安裝 App Inventor App Inventor Setup setupwindows.html setupwindows.html 安裝項目: 1.Installing the App Inventor Setup software package. This step is the same for all Android devices, and the same for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 2.Installing the Windows drivers for your Android phone

安裝 App Inventor 下載 App Inventor windows/appinventor_setup_installer_v_1_1.e xe windows/appinventor_setup_installer_v_1_1.e xe 安裝 appinventor_setup_installer_v_1_1.exe

安裝 App Inventor 1

請記得安裝路徑 C:\Program Files\AppInventor\commands-for-Appinventor 2

安裝 App Inventor 3

Phone drivers The App Inventor Setup software includes drivers for these common Android phones: T-Mobile G1* / ADP1 T-Mobile myTouch 3G* / Google Ion / ADP2 Verizon Droid* Nexus One * and similar hardware from other carriers

Building your first app with the emulator (Part 1) using Inventor: Hello Purr

Building your first app with the emulator (Part 1) using Inventor: Hello Purr 需要 : 貓圖: ls/hellopurr/HelloPurrAssets/kitty.png 貓聲: ls/hellopurr/HelloPurrAssets/meow.mp3

Building your first app with the emulator (Part 1) using Inventor: Hello Purr three key tools of App Inventor work: The Designer, the place were you design your app. It runs in your web browser. The Blocks Editor, the place were you set the behavior of the app. It is a separate application with its own window. The emulator, a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer along side App Inventor.

步驟 I : start the Designer and create a new project 到 請先登入 如果沒有請註冊

步驟 I : start the Designer and create a new project

第一次進入 App Inventor

步驟 I : start the Designer and create a new project Create a new project 1 2 輸入 HelloPurr 3

步驟 I : start the Designer and create a new project

1.Drag and drop the Button component to Screen1. The Button component is located under Palette. 2.Click on Button1 listed under Components. 3.In the list of properties, under image, click on none... 4.Click add. 5.Upload the the kitty.png file. 6.Delete Text for Button1 listed under the Text property.

步驟 I : start the Designer and create a new project

步驟 II : Block Editor to assign behaviors to your components 開啟 Block Editor

步驟 II : Block Editor


步驟 II : Block Editor 請選 ok 把綠色鑰匙往右拖

步驟 II : Block Editor

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr In the Designer: Add a Label component that reads "Pet the Kitty". Upload the meow.mp3 file Add a Sound component that plays the meow.mp3 file. In the Blocks Editor: Create an event handler that tells the Sound component to play when the user taps the button.

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr

請選 kitty.wav

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr IE 上傳 *.mp3 會有問題

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr


Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr

Package for Phone - HelloPurr

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr

似乎有點問題 ???

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr I had this same problem when using Microsoft IE. When I used Firefox there was no problem.

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr Microsoft IE 確實有問題

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr Microsoft IE 確實有問題

Building your first app (Part 2): Completing HelloPurr