Research in Support of Regulation: The ARAC Connection G. A. ‘Mac’ McLean, Ph.D. Protection and Survival Laboratory FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Research in Support of Regulation: The ARAC Connection G. A. ‘Mac’ McLean, Ph.D. Protection and Survival Laboratory FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute

Protection and Survival Lab Research Activities Biodynamic Research Team - Crashworthiness of Passenger Seats and Cabin Furnishings Environmental Physiology Research Team - Protective Breathing Equipment and O 2 Systems Cabin Safety Research Team - Emergency Equipment and Procedures

Protection and Survival Lab Research Applications Consultations to Industry Direct Support of FAA Rulemaking The ARAC Connection

Cabin Safety Research Team Consultations to Industry SAE S-9 Cabin Safety Provisions Committee –Emergency Equipment Standards Development OEMs –CAMI Life Vest –Floor Proximity Escape Path Marking Systems –Escape System Design Improvements

Cabin Safety Research Team Direct Support of FAA Rulemaking Pushbutton Seatbelt Buckle Performance Photoluminescent Floor Proximity Marking System Performance Effects of Door Height on Evacuations Flight Attendant Placement at Type-III Exits Access (Passageway Width) to Type-III Exits

The ARAC Connection

Application of Research To PSWG Escape Slide Strength Proposals Identify the problems Search for background materials Propose solutions Test proposed methods Develop alternatives Develop TSO proposals Reach consensus Formally Recommend to EEIG

Cabin Safety Research Team Support of The PSWG Escape Slide Beam and Girt Strength*

* DOT/FAA/AM-98/3 Inflatable Escape Slide Beam and Girt Strength Tests: Support for Revision of Technical Standard Order (TSO) C-69b