MyMathLab- 微積分夜 微積分線上作業系統 簡介與學生註冊 Pearson Education Taiwan Gino Kuo 2010-9-23.


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Presentation transcript:

MyMathLab- 微積分夜 微積分線上作業系統 簡介與學生註冊 Pearson Education Taiwan Gino Kuo

What is MyMathLab homework tutorial Fully integrated homework and tutorial system完全與課本整合的作業及課業輔助系統

Before you register To register, you will need: (電子郵件)  A valid address (電子郵件) (註冊序號)  The access code found packaged with your textbook (註冊序號) (your access code will look something like this ) XLFGH-LKJHG-XXXXX-HKGKS-AKRJG hu96178 (課碼)  Your Course ID : hu96178 (課碼)  授課老師 : 機械與機電整合系 胡毓忠 教授 (學號)  Your Student ID (學號) :

CourseCompass You will be taken to the CourseCompass home page Select Register under the students heading

Registering for MyMathLab Enter your Course ID (provided by your lecturer) and Access Code

Review the License Agreement and Privacy Policy, Click the button to continue Registering for MyMathLab

 選取 No, 輸入你的 login name (例:學號)  Enter and then re-type your password/ 輸入密碼 (英文+數字,至少八個 字數) On the Access Information page, you will be asked if your have a Pearson Education account. Registering for MyMathLab

 Type your address (carefully!)  First Name  中文全名  Last Name  填上學號   – when you forget ID/PWD  Select your Country, University name  Select a Security question and enter your answer Registering for MyMathLab

A Confirmation and Summary page displays, indicating your registration is successful! A copy of the information will also be sent to the you entered  You are now ready to log into your course.  Select Login now or go direct to either MyMathLab or CourseCompass home page

MyMathLab Installation Wizard 安裝成功,才能看到作業

Personalised Study plan Sample Tests to practice and build your study plan

Example Question Graphing Tool

Click the button, for step by step tutorial. Question Problem Help Me Solve This

Question Problem View an Example Click the button to be taken through the entire problem.

eBook Click the button, it will take you directly to the relevant section in the text book for further revision

Effect study English textbook 學會念好第一本英文課本,讓你的大學學 業更輕鬆 快速瀏覽的秘訣 –Summary – 章節的標題 – 每一段的第一句 & 最後一句 (Why?) – 粗體字、斜體字 ( 定理、定義、特別標註 ) – 圖表 ( 圖解、圖表的說明文字 ) 要到哪裡查詢單字呢 ?

專有名詞哪裡查 ? 國立編譯館 學術名詞資訊網 – 維基百科 – Wikipedia – – 英文、各式中文對照

Student Technical Support What do I do if I have a problem? Go to Self–Help Knowledgebase: Extensive & searchable articles Ask a Question: Enter your question in a form to submit Online Chat: Chat live online (check support site for hours) Pearson specialist technical support will respond within 24hrs. The Technical Support team is available on evenings and weekends. Check the support site for exact hours The Technical Support team is available on evenings and weekends. Check the support site for exact hours