Independence Module X 2012-2013 NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X 1.


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Independence Module X NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X 1

Independence evaluates the extent to which the student completed items/tasks independently NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Independence Dimension

Not all direction is considered a prompt. Some direction is simply a support, which does not need to be indicated, tracked, or part of the score. Examples of supports: Redirecting the student to stay on task is not a prompt; it is a support. Reading directions with the student is a support. Restating the directions for the student is a support. Scribing for the student is a support. Providing accessible materials (large print, textured paper, manipulatives, etc.) is a support. Supports are not included when calculating the independence score for the student’s work NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Supports vs. Prompts

NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Independence Dimension Evidence is not clear or all items are not marked for Independence/ prompt level Student completed items/tasks independently 0-39% of the time, based on the final activity Student completed items/tasks independently 40-59% of the time, based on the final activity Student completed items/tasks independently 60-80% of the time, based on the final activity Student completed items/tasks independently % of the time, based on the final activity

A prompt level must be documented next to each item performed by the student. I = independent V= verbal G= gestural M= model P= physical If some other system is used there must be a key. Remember, if your prompt hierarchy is not the same as the one above, you must explain your prompt hierarchy clearly, giving the names of the prompts, hierarchical order, and letter key for the prompts. Even if the student performs with 100% independence, each item must be marked with an I. Independence scores must be summarized as a percent. Reviewers must be able to recreate the score. If the score is not replicable, the dimension can not be scored and will receive zero for Independence NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Teacher Scoring for Independence

An indirect verbal prompt (V) can provide the student with a clue to try and spark the student’s recollection of the activity or lesson so that he/she can respond to the question (e.g., “Who was the story about?” or “Remember, the main character has red hair and pigtails. Point to the main character.”) An indirect gestural prompt (G) can Provide the student with a clue as to the general location of an answer (e.g., when looking up a word in the dictionary, the teacher may tap the page on which the word can be found but not exactly where the word is on the page) NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Prompting During Assessment - Allowable Prompts

An indirect model prompt (M) can provide the student with a clue through demonstration of the skill (e.g., demonstrate how to carry in an addition problem then give the student a different problem) Provide the student with a clue through acting out a scenario (e.g., when presenting a choice of three pictures and asking the student which picture represents an unbalanced force, the teacher may make a sweeping or moving motion to represent an “unbalanced force”) NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Prompting During Assessment - Allowable Prompts

A direct verbal prompt provides the student with the specific answer to a question or item (e.g., “Remember, the main character was Pippi. Point to the picture of the main character.”) A direct gestural prompt points out the specific answer to the student (e.g., when presenting a choice of three pictures and asking the student which picture represents an unbalanced force, the teacher points to or taps the correct picture) A direct model prompt models the exact problem and answer that the student must perform (e.g., when sorting producers and consumers, the teacher says, “Remember, corn is a producer,” picks up the picture of corn, and places it in the producer column of a chart then asks, “Which one is a producer?”) NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Direct Prompting During Assessment - NOT ALLOWED

For assessment purposes, only verbal, gestural, and model prompts that are indirect are allowed during an activity. These prompts lead or guide the student towards the correct answer. Indirect prompts do not directly give the student the answer. If any other type of prompt is used, a key must be provided that explains that system NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Verbal, Gestural, and Model Prompting

A physical prompt (P) requires physical contact between the student and teacher may be a touch at the elbow prompting the student to move his/her hand to a particular answer, or it may be more invasive, involving the teacher physically moving the student’s hand to the correct answer If the student must be given a physical prompt to correctly answer the test question, the answer must be marked wrong. This applies to full and partial physical prompts NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Prompting During Assessment - Allowable Prompts

Indirect Gestural Prompt isDirect Gestural Prompt is A motion that leads the student in the general direction of the answer (e.g., the teacher points to the x-axis and says, “Remember, this is the x-axis. Where does the point go if x is 4?”) A motion that points directly to the correct answer (e.g., the teacher points to the correct place on the correct grid and says, “The point goes there,” and then asks, “Where does the point go?”) ACCEPTABLE PROMPTSUNACCEPTABLE PROMPTS Indirect Verbal Prompt isDirect Verbal Prompt is A hint or clue that guides the student toward the correct answer (e.g., the teacher says, “Remember, you can run your finger across the x-axis, so where does the point go if x is 4?”) Verbally giving the answer to the student (e.g., the teacher says, “The point goes on the four.”) NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Prompting During Assessment Indirect Model Prompt isDirect Model Prompt is Demonstrating a general answer (e.g., the teacher models or shows the student where the point would go if x = 7, and says, “Now, show me where the point goes if x = 4.”) Demonstrating the exact answer (e.g., the teacher models counting across the x-axis to 4, draws the point and says, “Now, you do it.”)

When planning instruction, the typical goal for all students is to perform the skills and concepts learned independently. However, for assessment, consider whether or not a student will need prompting during the initial activity of the assessment and to what level the prompt may be faded prior to the final activity of the assessment. For assessment purposes, a student may Initially perform the skill with one level of prompting and complete the final activity with a less intrusive prompt Initially perform the skill with one level of prompting and complete the final activity with the same level of prompting Initially perform the skill 100% independently, therefore he/she must also perform the final activity 100% independently. A student may not be given a more intrusive prompt on the final activity than he/she was provided during the initial activity NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X Prompting During Assessment

Scoring Independence E1 Near Link “Determine the area of a triangle, rectangle, and square” NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X H1 Far Link “Match electronic media to information needed needed”

Scoring Evidence for Independence The total Independence score must be in the form of a percent. Take the number of items completed independently divided by the total number of items multiplied by 100 to calculate the total Independence score. When scoring for Independence, the information does not include accuracy. Example 6 items performed independently/10 items x 100 = 60% 14 Independence # items performed independently divided by # of total items times 100 equals % Correct ____/_____ x 100 = ______% NJ APA Teacher Training - Module X

Scoring Independence – Quick Reference NJ APA Teacher Training – Module X Independent

NJ APA Teacher Training – Module X Scoring Independence – Quick Reference Independent

NJ APA Teacher Training – Module X Scoring Independence – Quick Reference Independent

Information to answer these questions is found throughout Module X of the training. You may go back to any part of the training or to your Procedures Manual to find the answers. You should not continue with the training until you can answer all of these questions correctly NJ APA Teacher Training – Module XReview 18

1. When a student answers all items independently, is it acceptable to write “All independent” on the student’s work rather than marking each item with an I? 2. What is the most intrusive type of indirect prompt? 3. What must you provide if you use a different prompt hierarchy than the one shown in your Procedures Manual and this training? NJ APA Teacher Training – Module X Review 19

1. No, each item must be marked. 2. The most intrusive type of indirect prompt is a model prompt. Physical prompts are more intrusive than model prompts, but physical prompts are direct prompts since they directly give the student the correct answer. 3. When a prompt hierarchy is used that is different than the one shown in the Procedures Manual and this training, a key explaining the hierarchy must be included with the evidence NJ APA Teacher Training – Module X Review – Module X Answers 20