Let’s Make It Simple—Church Matt. 16:13-18. The Church—So Confusing Very few read the Bible regularly.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s Make It Simple—Church Matt. 16:13-18

The Church—So Confusing Very few read the Bible regularly

The Church—So Confusing Very few read the Bible regularly All see the churches every day

The Church—So Confusing Very few read the Bible regularly All see the churches every day Contrast of 1 st century and 21 st century

The Church—So Confusing Very few read the Bible regularly All see the churches every day Contrast of 1 st century and 21 st century Solution often found in simplicity

Seven Simple Truths About Church

1. Did Jesus start the church?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? Matthew 16:13-18

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26 Head of the church

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26 Head of the church Savior of the body, the church

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26 Head of the church Savior of the body, the church Loved the church

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26 Head of the church Savior of the body, the church Loved the church Gave Himself up for her

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? Eph. 5:23-26 Head of the church Savior of the body, the church Loved the church Gave Himself up for her Sanctifies, washes and cleansed

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? He adds all the saved to it – Acts 2:47

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? He adds all the saved to it – Acts 2:47 He saves the church – Eph. 5:23

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? He adds all the saved to it – Acts 2:47 He saves the church – Eph. 5:23 The church does not save, it is the saved!

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? Worship style?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? Worship style? Practice of baptism?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? Worship style? Practice of baptism? Lifestyle of morality?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? Worship style? Practice of baptism? Lifestyle of morality? Organization?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? Worship style? Practice of baptism? Lifestyle of morality? Organization? Descriptive names?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? Gal. 1:6-9

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? Gal. 1:6-9 Rev. 22:18-19

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? 6. Did Jesus know men would change it?

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? 6. Did Jesus know men would change it? 2 Tim. 4:2-4

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? 6. Did Jesus know men would change it? 2 Tim. 4:2-4 1 Tim. 4:1-3

Seven Simple Truths About Church 1. Did Jesus start the church? 2. What is relationship between Jesus/church? 3. What is relationship between Jesus/salvation? 4. Did the church have identifiable form? 5. Did Jesus want church to ever change? 6. Did Jesus know men would change it? 7. How does this lesson impact your life?

Simple Entrance into the Church

Believe in HimJohn 3:16

Simple Entrance into the Church Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30

Simple Entrance into the Church Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9

Simple Entrance into the Church Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16

Simple Entrance into the Church Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16 Added to His Kingdom, His church

Simple Entrance into the Church Believe in HimJohn 3:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 22:16 Added to His Kingdom, His church Be faithful until deathRev. 2:10