Modernising Scientific Careers NHS East Midlands – Early Adopter Workshop Commissioning MSC Programmes.


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Presentation transcript:

Modernising Scientific Careers NHS East Midlands – Early Adopter Workshop Commissioning MSC Programmes

The case for change Liberating the NHS: developing the healthcare workforce Lead SHA role for MSC Commissioning MSC programmes The role of employers in the delivery of MSC programmes

The case for change Current arrangements for commissioning and funding education for the healthcare science workforce differ widely across SHAs and across specialisms MSC provides a standardised approach to education and training that addresses the needs of the whole workforce We now need an affordable and co-ordinated approach to commissioning education and training

The 5 key objectives: Security of supply, appropriately skilled healthcare staff in the right place at the right time, able to achieve health and well-being outcomes that are amongst the best in the world Responsiveness to patient needs and changing service models, better integration and alignment of workforce planning and development for the whole workforce with service provision and financial planning. High quality education and training aspiring for excellence and innovation in all education and development activity, to build confident and competent healthcare staff. Value for money ensuring transparent funding flows to support a level playing field across providers. Widening participation supporting diversity and equitable access to services and education, training and development opportunities. Launched 20 Dec 2010, Consultation closes 31 Mar 2011

Building blocks for the approach to workforce planning, education and training The NHS Commissioning Board and GP consortia will define the future service and financial framework so that workforce planning can reflect strategic commissioning intentions. Healthcare providers are at the centre of planning and developing the workforce, in consultation with patients. Their decisions inform education & training commissioning. Higher Education Institutions working with healthcare providers to shape the education and training they provide. The professions having a leading role in ensuring quality of training locally and for continuous improvement and development in education and training at a national level. Professional regulators to set standards for education and training. Incentives for quality and value through quality metrics, a tariff system where funding follows the student in education programmes and clinical placements, and over time a levy to secure funding for future generations. The Centre for Workforce Intelligence providing consistent information and analysis, and guidance on risks and opportunities, locally and nationally.

The new system Healthcare providers to work together in ‘networks’ to plan and commission education and training for the local health economy A newly formed executive national body Health Education England (HEE) acting on behalf of the health sector to: bring together the interests of healthcare providers, staff, patients and the professions provide sector-wide oversight for long term planning and commissioning for future generations engage with the regulators about planning and developing the healthcare workforce, and standards for education and training that are responsive to service and patient needs

The transition Central role for SHAs in leading the transition to the new system up to April 2012 Potential initial steps in establishing HEE and local provider skills networks Arrangements for funding education and training in transition The approach to workforce planning information

Lead SHA role for MSC DH and SHAs have agreed a strategic lead commissioning role for MSC programmes as a transitional arrangement for 2011/12 This will ensure a co-ordinated, standardised and consistent approach to the implementation of MSC programmes West Midlands SHA will undertake the role and will: provide expert advice on MSC and share good practice facilitate themed networks to support implementation of MSC programmes act as a focal point for collating SHA commissioning plans for healthcare science maintain an overview of plans and ensuring aggregated plans are coherent undertake commissioning of STP programmes on behalf of other SHAs as identified in individual SHA plans. ensure national consistency in terms of the quality of delivery of STP programmes undertake the elements of the recruitment process for STP trainees which requires national co-ordination

Commissioning MSC programmes PTP is an integrated BSc funded by HEFCE. Education commissioners will work with HEIs to manage the number and distribution of education providers to meet workforce requirements and placement capacity. STP trainees will be employed and undertake a three year workplace based rotational training programme with an associated three year part time academic masters programme. The STP programme will be funded from MPET. There will be approximately 200 trainees starting the new STP programmes in 2011/12. The academic masters programmes for the majority of the trainees will be commissioned by West Midlands SHA. The arrangements for commissioning MSC programmes beyond 2011/12 will be aligned to the new arrangements for education and training as these develop.

The role of employers in delivery of MSC programmes Workforce planning – begin to plan future requirements for the new MSC roles and: consult on workforce plans provide data about the current workforce and future workforce needs co-operate in planning the healthcare workforce and in the planning and provision of professional education and training Planning placements and rotations – working with HEIs to organise PTP placements and the SHA to organise STP rotations Involvement (with the HEI) in the selection of PTP students Recruitment, selection and employment of STP trainees Delivering high quality training – train the trainer programmes are being arranged in each SHA area