小马公开课 400-663-1986 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 教你征服雅思 Part 3 刘立捷 Jock.


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Presentation transcript:

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 教你征服雅思 Part 3 刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Brief introduction Jock The University of Queensland Master of Applied Linguistics ( 应用语言文学 ) Musical Background ( Piano , Clarinet , etc. ) 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Outline Brief introduction for Part 3 Question direction Tips Q & A 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Brief introduction Part 3 (open-ended questions) Relates to Part 2 Cue Card 4-5 mins to answer 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 9 大出题方向 7. 因果 8. 异同 9. 利弊 4. 立场 5. 常识 6. 方案 1. 原因 2. 未来 3. 细节 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Question direction 一 ) 阐述原因 (Giving reasons) 1. Why do you think …? 2. Why is it important to do… 3. Do you think …? Why (not)? 4. Is it a good idea to (do…)? Why (not)? 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Questions 1. why is monuments important? 2. Is the monument should be built by the government, why? 3. Do you think holiday is necessary Why ? 4. What’s your opinion of happiness? 5. Do you think money can make people happy? 6. Do you think money is important?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 1. Why do you think …? I certainly believe so, it’s simply because… There is no reason though… 2. Why is it important to do… Coz it plays an essential role in… It can not only… but also 3. Do you think …? Why (not)? Well, it depends… / on the situation 4. Is it a good idea to (do…)? Why (not)? There is no doubt about it I couldn’t agree more with it

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 2 二 ) 预测未来 (Providing speculations) 1. How do you see … changing in the future? 2. Do you think that in the future people will …? 3. What do you think will happen to … in the future? 4. In your opinion,which/what … will become more … in the future? 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Questions 1. Do you think that more people will move to big cities in the future? 2. What’s you opinion about the historic place in the future?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 3. What do you think will happen to … in the future? 4. In your opinion,which/what … will become more … in the future? The first one, it just because… on top of that, from the history, we can also see that.. 二 ) 预测未来 (Providing speculations) 1.How do you see … changing in the future? No exaggerating to say, it will renovate the domain of … 2. Do you think that in the future people will …? Yes, it is, it lies in the fact that… Maybe, Maybe not, it is difficult to predict the future, isn’t ?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 3 三 ) 描述侧面 (Describing various aspects) In what ways …? What kind/sort/type of …? How important is it for …to (do …)? How has … changed (in yourcountry) in the last … years? 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Questions 1. In which way people introduce their country? 2. What will people do in their holidays? 3. What kind of people like fast food? 4. What sorts of things people could do when they become adults 5. Describe an experience you helped someone.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 三 ) 描述侧面 (Describing various aspects) In what ways …? It’s hard to say, cuz different people hold various opinions, but I’d like to say... What kind/sort/type of …? Well, Let’s say, (A) is the most people one How important is it for …to (do …)? I’d like to change the word of important to imperative.. People cannot live without it, you know? How has … changed (in your country) in the last … years? If my memory goes well/severs, I’d like to say

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 4 四 ) 维护立场 (Defending your choice) 1. Is it better to (do …) or(do …)? 2. Should people always … or is it a good idea sometimes to (do …)? 3. Which is more important to you: … or …? 4. Which do people in your country prefer: … or …? 1. Which birthday party do you think is the most important for Chinese people? 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 四 ) 维护立场 (Defending your choice) 1.Is it better to (do …) or(do …)? Off the top of my head, I incline to say.. 2. Should people always … or is it a good idea sometimes to (do …)? 3. Which is more important to you: … or …? A is imperative/essential/crutial/important/vital in my life, no doubt about it 4. Which do people in your country prefer: … or …? Let me see.. Uhh.. I thing most people would choose A as their mascot 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 5 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 五 ) 利用常识 (Using your common sense) 1. Yes-no 2. Roles, responsibilities and general qualities of a social group 3. common knowledge, everyday experience and traditional culture 1. Do you think we should protect ancient buildings Why? 2. Do you think that Chinese government cover the truth of history ? 3. Are there any 24 hours shops in your country? 4. Do you think that the education system in your country focuses enough on foreign languages? 5. What is success?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 6 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 六 ) 提供方案 (Offering solutions) 1. What can … do to (do …)? 2. What can be done to (do…)? 3. What do you think is the best way for … to (do …)? 4. Are there other ways people can …, apart from …? How? 1. How we improve life in towns? 2. What should we do to stop shoplifting? 3. What is the best way to learn a language? 4. How could people reach the success?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 六 ) 提供方案 (Offering solutions) 1. What can … do to (do …)? 2. What can be done to (do…)? I think the government should pay more attention on it, coz it’s their responsibilty to do so.. 3. What do you think is the best way for … to (do …)? The best way? Let me see, I’d like to say.. There are several ways to do it, but maybe (A) is better. 4. Are there other ways people can …, apart from …? How?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 7 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 七 ) 因果关联 (Connecting causes with effects) 1. What effect has … had on…? 2. How has … affected …? 3. Are there any negative effects of … doing …? What are they? 4. What do you think causes …to …? 1.Do you think that bad weather can affect a person’s personality? 2.What are the drawbacks of travel?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentense 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 七 ) 因果关联 (Connecting causes with effects) What effect has … had on…? Frankly speaking, I don’t quite understand its effects, but I suppose it would be a wise choice for… 2. How has … affected …? To be honest, I can only imagine a few consequences, they are… 3. Are there any negative effects of … doing …? What are they? It is detrimental to… It’s bad for… 4. What do you think causes …to …?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 8 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 八 ) 对比异同 (Comparing similarities and differences) 1. How does … compare with …? 2. How do you compare … with…? 3. Do you think … was different for your grandparents? 4. What are similarities and differences between … and …? 1. How are big cities today different from those of twenty years ago? 2. How are big cities different from small towns? 3. Compare and contrast life in cities and the countryside in your country? 4. Describe the difference between friends’ help and family’s help? 5. What’s the difference between traveling nowadays and one hundred years ago?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Direction 9 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 九 ) 陈述利弊 (Illustrating advantages and disadvantages) 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of …? 2. What are the different advantages of … and …? 3. What do you think their disadvantages are? 4. How do people in your country feel about (a controversial issue)? 1. What are the advantages of sharing a room with others ? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inviting a friend to your home for dinner? 3. Why some people prefer to travel abroad? Benefits and drawbacks? 4. Why some people prefer to travel to China? Benefits and drawbacks?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Useful sentence 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock 九 ) 陈述利弊 (Illustrating advantages and disadvantages) 1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of …? it benefits us regarding (with regards to)… 2. What are the different advantages of … and …? 3. What do you think their disadvantages are? 4. How do people in your country feel about (a controversial issue)?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Tips 是否新颖的答案才是高分答案? 是否比较普通的答案就只能得到一般的分数? 是否一定要在时间内回答出完整的答案? 人人:刘立捷 (The University of Queensland), 微博:小马过河刘立捷 Jock

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Q & A 人人公共主页:刘立捷 (The Uni of Queensland) Sina Micro Blog 小马过河刘立捷 Jock