How to Sensitize Your Male Organ: 5 Surefire Tips!


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Presentation transcript:

How to Sensitize Your Male Organ: 5 Surefire Tips!

A man often looks back on days when his member would get hard if a light breeze came through the window of his History class. Thankful for the large tome required for the class, he would run out the second the bell rang and find somewhere private to take care of business. Sometimes up to five or six times each day. But not today. Today this same member couldn’t be coaxed up by Tony Robbins himself making an inspiring plea. That sucker is desensitized, and it seems like there’s no hope. But there is. While male organ dysfunction (which is present when you can’t get or maintain a hard-on over 25 percent of the time) may be at play, most men experience trouble with performing during their lifetime. Many times, a man just needs to switch up one or two things. Here’s the intel on how to sensitize your male organ.

#1: Kick the Hard Stuff You can only learn how to sensitize your male organ after you kick a substance or alcohol addiction. Using illegal substances is a no-no for several reasons, but people often overlook the misuse of prescription meds. Alcoholism also takes a major toll on the member. Marijuana, while legal in some states, can definitely make a member ungratefully dead. Join a program, see a doctor, or talk to a friend and start a path to recovery (and a harder hard-on).

#2: Loosen Up, Part I Self-pleasure is a healthy, enjoyable activity. It’s been proven to be great for stress, self-esteem, and being a better lover. However, men who partake too much or grip too tight can harm the member and destroy or damage the peripheral nerves that the member uses to feel things. This can also make it harder to release and enjoy intimacy.

#2: Loosen Up, Part II It’s time to take a break from skinny jeans and tighty whities and give the dingle some space to dangle. Too much compression can also lead to a desensitized member. Air is also helpful because it brings circulation and teases the nerves with time.

#3: Use a Good Creme It’s not a time to pull out the Jergens. Invest in a real creme for all partner and solo pleasure. A real creme doesn’t dry out or dull the skin and provides the perfect environment for the slipping and sliding necessary for a pleasurable and non-damaging experience.

#4: Practice Moderation Like self-play, partner play that goes on too long or happens too much can result in friction burn and again, damage those peripheral nerves in addition to hardening the skin, making touch more difficult to feel. Over time this can lead to more serious plaque buildup that can lead to member dysfunction or Peyronie’s disease.

#5: Buy a Kamasutra Sometimes the regular Monday Night Missionary just stops doing it, and it’s hard to get excited about the same two minutes of foreplay, one minute of latex protection application, four minutes of intimacy to completion, and then turn on Jimmy Fallon. Change things up and try positions that look otherworldly or actively connect with your partner. Dress provocatively, try some role play, and overall, just switch things up to invite the excitement back into lovemaking, and the member shall follow.

Another big way you can sensitize your male organ is by employing a consistent grooming regimen. Trim the pubic hair so that it doesn’t silently rob you of sensitivity simply by brushing up against the member all the time. Wash with mild cleansers on the manhood skin and use soft washcloths and warm water (not hot!). When done, take care to dry the skin with very soft towels or completely via air drying.

Finally, after cleansing and rinsing the skin, use a specially formulated male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to lock in moisture that keeps skin soft and supple. Choose a crème with special ingredients like L-carnitine, which protects against peripheral nerve damage. It should also include vitamins A, B, C, and D, to protect and rejuvenate the member.Man 1 Man Oil