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Sore Male Organ Prevention Tips to Keep You in the Game

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1 Sore Male Organ Prevention Tips to Keep You in the Game

2 When the member is feeling fine, a man is well positioned to really enjoy his sensual engagements, whether with a partner or with his own hand. But oh, when a guy has a sore male organ, even the most elevated sensual drive may not be enough: he may end up having sensual activity but not necessarily enjoying it. Sometimes that annoying sore male organ is the result of a male organ health issue which causes tenderness, but in other instances it comes from overuse, misuse or some other reason. With that in mind, the following prevention trips may come in handy.

3 Make nice with latex barriers. Yes, yes, latex barriers can be a hassle. They don’t always fit right. They can be difficult putting on in the heat of the moment. They look kind of funny. Doesn’t matter: they’re the best bet for keeping social disease at bay, and social diseases (in addition to everything else) can often create a sore male organ. (Even when not sore, having partner-based sensual activity while infected isn’t a good idea.) So use latex barriers when having sensual activity with a partner to keep the manhood in good shape for further playful encounters.

4 Be a cremer. One of the biggest causes of a sore male organ is having sensual activity without adequate lubrication – and that includes self with oneself. When the member goes into action without lubrication, all of that friction does a real number of the delicate skin and the even more delicate nerves. When a guy is really “in the moment” sensually, he doesn’t necessarily notice – but afterwards, boy does he ever! So taking a little time to get properly cremed up before getting into matters is crucial. And if he’s able to take a brief moment to re-lubricate if things go on for an extended period of time, so much the better!

5 Read instructions. Okay, it’s great when a person gets a new plaything, like a manhood pump or a sensual toy. Sometimes a guy is so excited he can’t wait to try it out – and so he doesn’t. he just jumps right in and gets everything all revved up and in action without taking a few minutes to read the instructions first. That’s often a recipe for a sore male organ, as many sensual toys and manhood pumps need to be handled in a particular way in order to avoid soreness. It’s worth it to tell the member to calm down for a few minutes; prevention of soreness if worth it.

6 Go easy on himself. By the time he’s an adult, a guy has usually been self-stimulating so long that it’s second nature to him. But often he may be playing too rough with himself – especially when it comes to how tightly he grips his member. A “death grip” may be fun occasionally, but using it too often is just asking for soreness. Don’t be afraid of change. People tend to fall into habits, and that extends to their sensual lives. A guy may tend to self-pleasure in the same way or couple with his partner in the same position over and over. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with this, but it does mean that friction is hitting the same parts of the manhood consistently. Try a little variation now and then to help fight rawness and subsequent soreness.

7 Prevention of a sore male organ helps a guy maintain his sensual life at an appropriate level. This can be further aided by the consistent use of a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Soreness often requires re-moisturization, so select a crème that includes a combination of hydrators, such as vitamin E and shea butter. Protecting male organ sensation is also aided if the crème has a neuroprotective ingredient, such as L-carnitine, to help ensure continued sensitivity.male organ health creme

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