Let’s Talk About Male Organ Sensitivity— How to Keep It, That Is


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s Talk About Male Organ Sensitivity— How to Keep It, That Is

A sensitive member is a man’s number one priority. Why? It’s what ensures that a man continues to produce and maintain hardness well into his Social Security–collecting years. Many things over time, most controllable but some unavoidable, can rob a man of his male organ sensitivity. But have no fear! There are plenty of ways to preserve a sensitive member and increase male organ sensitivity for those who find it depleting over time.

What Is Male Organ Sensitivity and Why Is It Important? Male organ sensitivity is the ability for the member to feel stimulation. The amount of male organ sensitivity a man has is gauged by different ways the member can be stimulated, something called “sensory threshold.” As men age, starting as early as age 25, male organ sensitivity declines. Men may not notice the decline for some time. According to researchers, the sharpest decline is observed to be between age 65 and 75, and that is when it is largely most noticed by men. Otherwise, it’s not really noticed unless it’s so intense that it has led to male organ dysfunction (MOD) or the inability to release.

Having sensitive member is desirable because it is more likely to get and maintain hardness to completion. It also can result in more control of release and higher levels of pleasure. Some men, however, have overly sensitive members, which can lead to early seed release, but other than in the teenage years, it affects a small segment of men.

How to Increase Male Organ Sensitivity: Do’s and Don’ts Here are a few guidelines of things to avoid in order to preserve male organ sensitivity and a few others to maintain or increase it. After all, a sensitive member is a very happy member.

Don’ts: Exercise Some Moderation. Too much intimacy or self-pleasure in close time frames can cause nerve damage due to overuse. Also, compression from death-grip when self-pleasuring or getting a “handy” from an aggressively tightfisted partner can not only cause immediate trauma to the member but over time can lead to the buildup of scar tissue, which robs a member of its sensitivity and can lead to MOD and Peyronie’s disease.

Toss the Tighty Whities and Nut-Huggers. It’s time to Kondo the closet and drawers of underwear and bottoms that put the squeeze on the family jewels. Too much compression from clothing can rub against the member constantly, resulting in a less-sensitive member. Switch to something (on the regular – tight is okay now and then) that gives the one-eyed trouser snake some room to wiggle and breathe. Get Rid of Smoking, Alcoholism, and Substance Abuse. Smoking shrinks the blood vessels, and substance and alcohol abuse can numb the member, stealing its ability to get or stay hard. If cold turkey isn’t an option, get help from a professional.

Do’s: Ditch Dad Bod. All men need to, but men of a certain age (those over 40) need to give extra attention to diet, fitness, and stress as they age. All have an effect on male organ sensitivity. Don’t Go Dry. For solo play, creme is the norm. However, partner play evolves through the years, especially if one’s partner is over 40 as well. As women enter pre-menopause, they can sometimes produce less lubricant for intimacy (this is not all women). Bedroom athletics that were once like a slip-n-slide can evolve into a less-wet experience. Be sure to use creme whenever needed to reduce friction that can cause nerve damage. Also, it just feels better!

Explore More. Sometimes bedroom shenanigans can seem, well, a little robotic. Switch up Monday Missionary with some new positions, toys, scenarios, and skill sets to excite the mind and body. Not only will it result in a more sensitive member, but it can also reinvigorate a long- term committed partnership and keep the intimacy intact and the attraction hot and heavy.

In addition to the tips above, think about adding something new to the daily hygiene regimen. Applying a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) can be really helpful in increasing male organ sensitivity. Look for crèmes with special ingredients like L-carnitine, which protects the member from peripheral nerve damage. Also, be sure that the selected crème has vitamin C for blood flow and elasticity. Adding this small step daily can help preserve a sensitive member.Man 1 Man Oil