MySQL SQL for MySQL (I) Salim Mail :


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Presentation transcript:

MySQL SQL for MySQL (I) Salim Mail : Phone : 0815-188-2384 YM : talim_bansal Blog : MySQL - Query 1

Summary Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement Restricting and Sorting Data Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output MySQL - Query

SELECT COMMON PATTERN SELECT <*, Field 1,….., Field n, Aggregate Function> FROM < Table Name> WHERE <Condition> AND/OR <If any additional condition> GROUP BY <Field 1,……, Field n> HAVING <Condition> ORDER BY <Field1,…., Field n> MySQL - Query

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement Select All Columns Syntax : SELECT * FROM <Table Name>; Sample : SELECT * FROM ti3k_item_master Select Specific Columns Syntax : SELECT <Column Name, Column Name, Column Name,……Column Name> FROM <Table Name>; Sample : SELECT item_id, item_name, item_uom FROM ti3k_item_master; Use Arithmetic Operators MySQL - Query

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement Understand Operator Precedence Precedence defines the order that Oracle uses when evaluating different operators in the same expression. Every operator has a predefined precedence. Oracle evaluates operators with a higher precedence before it evaluates operators with a lower precedence. Operators with equal precedence will be evaluated from left to right MySQL - Query

Restricting and Sorting Data Write queries that contain a WHERE clause to limit the output retrieved Syntax : Select <Column Name,……Column Name> From <Table Name> Where <Column Name or Logical Phrase>; Sample : SELECT item_id, item_name, item_uom FROM ti3k_item_master Where item_uom ='Set'; Write queries that contain an ORDER BY clause sort the output of a SELECT statement (Ascending or Descending) Sample : Select * from ti3k_item_master Order by item_uom asc; Order by item_id desc; MySQL - Query

Restricting and Sorting Data List the comparison operators and logical operators that are used in a WHERE clause MySQL - Query

Sample SELECT with WHERE using Comparison operators Exercise: select item_uom “UOM” from ti3k_item_master where item_code =‘DRL10’; select item_id, item_code, item_name, item_uom, remark From ti3k_item_master where item_id > 50 And item_uom =‘Each’; select * from ti3k_item_master where item_uom in (‘Sax’,’Set’) Order by item_uom, item_id; where remark is null Or created_by = ‘Salim’; where item_id between 10 and 20; MySQL - Query