Phenotypic analysis of the CNS in mutants for Ror, otk and otk2


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Presentation transcript:

Fig. 4. Phenotypic analysis of the CNS in mutants for Ror, otk and otk2. Phenotypic analysis of the CNS in mutants for Ror, otk and otk2. (A-D′) Axon tracts of the CNS are visualized using the BP102 antibody in w− (A), Ror4 (B), Df(otk,otk2)D72 (C) and Ror4, Df(otk,otk2)D72 (D) embryos. All mutant embryos resemble the wild type. (E-H′) Fasciclin II labels the axons of a subset of neurons within the CNS. In Ror4 mutant embryos (F,F′) occasional disruptions in the lateral fascicle are visible (arrowhead). In otk, otk2 double mutants (G,G′) and Ror, otk, otk2 triple mutants (H,H′) all fascicles look intact. (I-L′) Glial cells were visualized with the anti-Repo antibody. The pattern is not disturbed in any of the investigated mutants. Images (A′-L′) are higher magnifications of regions of the embryos shown in images (A-L). All images show three abdominal segments of late stage embryos. Anterior is up. Caroline Ripp et al. Biology Open 2018;7:bio033001 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd