Male Organ Function Issue: About Retrograde Male Seed Release.


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Function Issue: About Retrograde Male Seed Release

When male organ function is fine, a man’s sensual life is so much easier. Every guy wants his male organ function to always hum along smoothly like a well-tended motor. But occasionally there can be a few male organ health hiccups along the way, a few things that may impede proper function. One of the more unusual such male organ function issues is known as retrograde male seed release.

What is retrograde male seed release? Most men are already familiar with the term (and the experience of) male seed release – that is, the expulsion of male seed (usually in a rather forceful and pleasurable manner) from the member through the urethra. But what is this retrograde business? Well, retrograde is defined as “directed or moving backward,” which is kind of what happens with retrograde male seed release – the male seed release is directed to move backward out of the manhood, rather than upward out of the shaft of the member. This means that the manhood evacuates most or all of the male seed into the bladder instead.

When a man has retrograde male seed release, he still experiences pleasurable release, often as strong and intense as that associated with a traditional member male seed release. This is often referred to as a dry pleasurable release. Often, because the male seed is re-routed into the bladder, a man may notice that his urine is cloudy, especially soon after a male seed release.

What causes it? Why would such a thing as retrograde male seed release happen in the first place? Various components of male seed are mixed together in the prostate before expulsion. When it leaves the prostate to get into the urethra, it passes by the opening to the bladder. There is a muscle – the bladder neck muscle – that closes tightly to prevent male seed from escaping into the bladder. If the bladder neck muscle is weakened or damaged, it may not close completely – or at all. (When a man really needs to urinate but is not in a position where he can do that, it’s the bladder neck muscle that squeezes shut to keep urine in the bladder until a more appropriate time for release.)

Generally, a weakening of this muscle is a result of surgery or a side effect of certain medications. In some cases, medical conditions that cause nerve damage (such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, or multiple sclerosis) may interfere with the muscle’s proper function.

Male organ function As noted, most men still experience satisfying pleasurable releases with retrograde male seed release. However, if the male seed is going into the bladder rather than being released through the member, it can create serious issues for couples wishing to conceive. Men who experience dry pleasurable releases and are interested in becoming fathers should consult with a physician to determine if retrograde male seed releases are the issue; there may be other male seed production problems at play instead.

If retrograde male seed release is the issue, the doctor will try to determine the cause. If it is likely a side effect of a medication, switching medications may be all that is required. In some cases, it may be treated with other medications. And in some cases, especially those in which surgery has resulted in the condition, there may be little that can be done to correct the problem.

Retrograde male seed release is an extreme male organ function issue; often helping maintain proper male organ health can be useful with some male organ function issues. To this end, use a top-drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. The best crèmes will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that helps keep male organ blood vessels expanding properly by boosting nitric oxide production. The latter helps fight nerve damage caused by friction and compression, which can result in diminished sensation in the manhood.Man 1 Man Oil