Delivering as One High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence Briefing for UN Country Teams.


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Presentation transcript:

Delivering as One High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence Briefing for UN Country Teams

Overview of the presentation The High-level Panel: Mandate and Composition The High-level Panel: Mandate and Composition The Panel Process: Focus on consultation The Panel Process: Focus on consultation The Panels Case for Reform The Panels Case for Reform The Panels Recommendations The Panels Recommendations Follow-up process Follow-up process

This presentation summarizes the content of the High-level Panels Report and does not intend to put forward any interpretation of, or comments on, the findings or recommendations contained in the Report.

Mandate of HLP Panel 2005 World Summit invites Secretary- General to launch work to further strengthen the management and coordination of UN operational activities (in the field of environment, humanitarian assistance and development) 2005 World Summit invites Secretary- General to launch work to further strengthen the management and coordination of UN operational activities (in the field of environment, humanitarian assistance and development) SG also requests HLP to make recommendations on how gender equality perspectives could be better addressed in UNs work SG also requests HLP to make recommendations on how gender equality perspectives could be better addressed in UNs work

HLP Panel Composition February 2006: SG appoints High-level Panel on UN system-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment February 2006: SG appoints High-level Panel on UN system-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment Highest-level UN Panel ever: members include 3 Prime Ministers, 2 former Presidents and 10 high ranking experts (incl. 2 UN ex-officio members) Highest-level UN Panel ever: members include 3 Prime Ministers, 2 former Presidents and 10 high ranking experts (incl. 2 UN ex-officio members)

The HLP Panel Process Meet, consult, meet, consult, draft, re-draft, meet, re-draft, meet, re-draft, …

How can the UN System most effectively respond to the challenges of the 21st century? Are we still meeting the expectations of countries and peoples? The Panel Process - Guiding Questions -

The Case for Reform - Why now? - Significant challenges ahead … Unprecedented global change Unprecedented global change MDG deadline close MDG deadline close Increase in victims of natural disasters Increase in victims of natural disasters Environmental threats on the rise Environmental threats on the rise … but … but

The Case for Reform - Why now? - … also windows of opportunity Reform momentum of the 2005 Summit Reform momentum of the 2005 Summit Millennium Declaration, Monterrey, Paris Declaration Millennium Declaration, Monterrey, Paris Declaration Increases in ODA – to be spent wisely Increases in ODA – to be spent wisely

Figure 1: Financial resources - examples Calendar years or fiscal years; IDA/IBRD disbursements only (not including administrative costs)

Expected roles of the UN Trusted partner with the capacity to act as convener and neutral broker Trusted partner with the capacity to act as convener and neutral broker Guardian of norms and standards Guardian of norms and standards Value of different voices, speaking out on themes or in specific sectors Value of different voices, speaking out on themes or in specific sectors Advocate for sensitive issues Advocate for sensitive issues Operational/Technical Assistance Operational/Technical Assistance Not fulfilledInstead…

… instead the Panel found a UN system characterized by Fragmentation at country, regional and global level Fragmentation at country, regional and global level High transaction costs for both national partners and donors High transaction costs for both national partners and donors Inadequate and unpredictable funding, undermining UNs multilateral character Inadequate and unpredictable funding, undermining UNs multilateral character

Figure 2: Contributions to the UN systems operational activities for development (core and other resources)

HLP Recommendations -- Underlying Principles -- National ownership and people-centered approaches National ownership and people-centered approaches Core comparative advantage Core comparative advantage Maximum effectiveness and accountability Maximum effectiveness and accountability

Development The Panel recommends the establishment of One UN at country level, with one leader, one programme, one budget and, where appropriate, one office … but how?

The How of the One UN Establish five One UN pilots by 2007 (20 by 2009, 40 by 2010 and all other appropriate countries by 2012) Enhance RC authority to lead the One Country Programme (matched by clear accountability) UNDP to consolidate and refocus its operational work UNDP to establish an institutional firewall between management of RC system and its programmatic role

Humanitarian Assistance The Panel calls for … Stronger partnership arrangements between the UN, national governments, IRC/ICM and NGOs Stronger partnership arrangements between the UN, national governments, IRC/ICM and NGOs Full funding for CERF (target: $ 500 million) Full funding for CERF (target: $ 500 million) Clarify mandates for Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) Clarify mandates for Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) UNDP lead on early recovery UNDP lead on early recovery Greater investment in risk reduction Greater investment in risk reduction

Environment The Panel calls for … Stronger role for UNEP: Real authority as the environmental policy pillar of the UN Stronger role for UNEP: Real authority as the environmental policy pillar of the UN Independent assessment of international environmental governance Independent assessment of international environmental governance Strengthened GEF Strengthened GEF

C ross-cutting issues The Panel calls for … A stronger voice for gender equality and womens empowerment – creation of a dynamic, fully and ambitiously funded gender entity A stronger voice for gender equality and womens empowerment – creation of a dynamic, fully and ambitiously funded gender entity Clarify responsibilities for Human Rights Clarify responsibilities for Human Rights Greater focus on Sustainable Development in UN country activities – partnership between UNEP (normative) and UNDP (operational) Greater focus on Sustainable Development in UN country activities – partnership between UNEP (normative) and UNDP (operational)

Funding The Panel calls for … Full, multi-year core funding for agencies committed to reform Full, multi-year core funding for agencies committed to reform One Country Programme to be consolidated within a single budgetary framework with two funding sources One Country Programme to be consolidated within a single budgetary framework with two funding sources

Governance -- at inter-governmental level -- The Panel calls for … A high-level forum for strategic guidance on sustainable development policy and global public goods (L-27) A UN Sustainable Development Board to provide oversight of the One UN at country level

Governance -- at organizational level -- The Panel calls for … A new Development Coordinator A new Development Coordinator A new UN Development Policy and Operations Group to support One UN at country level A new UN Development Policy and Operations Group to support One UN at country level Chief Executives Board (CEB) to review its functions Chief Executives Board (CEB) to review its functions

Governance -- at regional and national level -- The Panel calls for … Regional level: (a) reorganization of UN regional setting around two functions, and (b) co-location and standardization of regions among all UN entities Regional level: (a) reorganization of UN regional setting around two functions, and (b) co-location and standardization of regions among all UN entities National level: (a) all-of-government approach, and (b) benchmarks for good multilateral donorship National level: (a) all-of-government approach, and (b) benchmarks for good multilateral donorship

Business Practices The Panel calls for … Harmonized business practices Harmonized business practices Independent evaluation mechanism Independent evaluation mechanism Updated and harmonized human resource policies (incl. greater staff mobility) Updated and harmonized human resource policies (incl. greater staff mobility)

HLP Follow-up Process Inter-governmental: SG to transmit report to UN General Assembly for inter-governmental follow up (GA Working Groups, governing bodies, TCPR) Inter-governmental: SG to transmit report to UN General Assembly for inter-governmental follow up (GA Working Groups, governing bodies, TCPR) Inter-agency: Report expected to be on agenda of first CEB meeting of incoming SG (Spring 2007) Inter-agency: Report expected to be on agenda of first CEB meeting of incoming SG (Spring 2007) SG has requested UNDG to go ahead with 5 One UN pilots and strengthening of RC system SG has requested UNDG to go ahead with 5 One UN pilots and strengthening of RC system