Warm-up: 03/19 On your own paper: 1. List the date.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-up: 03/19 On your own paper: 1. List the date. 2. Write the essential questions, global connection and 6th science objective from the board. Then, Predict: What is Matter?

WARM-UP: 03/20 Be ready for class-pen/pencil, and notes packet from yesterday. What is Matter? What are some of the components in the following items: loaf of bread, textbook, bicycle. *Can you break down any of the components even further? For example, one of the components of a book is obviously paper, but what are the components of paper? Record your thoughts on your own paper.

Warm-up 3rd and 6th period Be ready for class, absolutely no talking. Copy homework in agenda and pick up Reading Volume homework from the high side counter by the door. Explain in your own words: What is matter? What is volume? Draw a picture demonstrating if you know how to find the volume of a cube using the correct metric units.

Warm-up 2nd, 5th and 6th Period Be ready for class, absolutely no talking. Explain in your own words: What is matter? What is volume? Draw a picture demonstrating if you know how to find the volume of a cube using the correct metric units. List the steps to finding the volume with the water displacement method (If you recall). Copy the homework in your planner. You will take the volume quiz tomorrow.

The Properties of Matter Essential Questions: What is Matter? What is mass? What is volume?

Objectives: Describe the two properties of all matter. Identify the units used to measure volume and mass. Distinguish between mass and weight.

Matter Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. They are all made-up of MATTER! What do all these things have in common? Matter Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It’s that simple! Everything in the universe that you can see is made up of some type of matter.

What is matter? Anything that has mass and takes up space Everything you see: boats, cars, people Some things you cannot see like air

Quick Lab (1) Material Getter Beaker Cup Tissue (2) Discussion Leader BEFORE EXPERIMENT: What do you expect the tissue to be like when it comes out of the beaker? AFTER EXPERIMENT: Was the tissue like how you expected? Draw conclusions as to why the paper is the way it is? How can you support this idea with science. (3) Lab Initiator Wedge the tissue in the bottom of the cup. All of the tissue should be mashed in the bottom of the cup, with no edges sticking out. Place the cup upside down, perpendicular to the surface of the water. Do not tilt the cup or place it at an angle. Push the cup into the water until the rim of the cup touches the bottom of the bowl. Whole group: Countdown from 8. (4) Data Collector Describe the tissue before and after the experiment.

Quick Lab Review: Can water and air both occupy the inside of a cup at the same time? As a lab group, review the results from your experiment. Continue your discussion on why the towel was the way it was AFTER your experiment. Can you now use science to support why the towel was dry? Teacher shows what happens if there is a place for matter to escape.

Matter and Volume: The amount of space taken up, or occupied, by an object is known as the objects volume. Liquid Volume: Liters (L) and milliliters (mL) are the units used most often to express the volume of liquids. Measuring the Volume of Liquids -We will use a graduated cylinder instead of a measuring cup to measure the volume of liquids. The curve at the surface of liquid is called a meniscus.

What is Volume? The space taken up by an object. Two objects cannot share the same space. Ex: Air and Water in the quick lab What is Volume?

Read the bottom of the curve for accuracy Graduated cylinders and beakers. Liquid in these have a meniscus curved water line Read the bottom of the curve for accuracy What materials are used to measure volume?

Define and Draw the meaning of: Meniscus Meniscus is the curve at the surface of liquid. Draw: Meniscus

Liters (L) and milliliters (mL) What unit is Used to Measure liquid volume? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jbkk6ndivM Liters (L) and milliliters (mL)

Volume of a Regularly Shaped Solid Object :The volume of any solid object is expressed in cubic units. The word cubic means having three dimensions. Volume of an Irregularly Shaped Solid Object: You can measure the volume of any solid object by measuring the volume of water that the object displaces.

Multiply the three dimensions of the object volume = length x width x height or v = l x w x h units used will be cubic meters (m3) or cubic centimeters (cm3) How is the Volume of a Regularly Shaped object found?

How is the volume of an Irregularly shaped object found? Water displacement method drop an object in a known volume of water (30 mL) the water level will rise (40 mL) The difference between the 2 levels represents the volume of the object: 40 – 30 = 10mL 1 ml = 1 cm3 both can represent volume Almost always liquids in mL and solids in cm3

Quick Lab: On your paper title the page: Quick Lab Volume. Finding the Volume of an Irregular Object. Using what you have learned, set-up a quick lab that allows you to measure the volume of the objects at your table. Conduct at least 3 experiments. First, with one marble, then add more each time. WHAT WERE YOUR RESULTS? Look at your data and decide whether each marble has the same volume.

Mass and Weight Mass: Weight: force exerted on an object. Mass is the amount of “stuff” in an object. Weight: Weight is a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object.

Measuring Mass and Weight Mass Measurement: The SI unit of mass is often expressed in grams (g), kilogram (kg), and milligrams (mg), too. Weight Measurement: Weight is a measure of gravitational force and is expressed in the SI unit of force, the newton (N).

What is the difference between mass and weight? video Mass will stay the same for an object at any location Mass measures an objects amount of matter Measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg) Weight changes due to gravity’s force and distance of celestial body Planets, stars, etc. Measured in Newtons and pounds What is the difference between mass and weight? video

Review Objectives: Describe the three properties of all matter. All matter has mass, volume and weight Identify the units used to measure volume and mass. The unit for Volume = milliliter (mL) or cubic centimeter (cm3) The unit for Mass = kilogram (kg), gram (g), and milligram (mg) Distinguish between mass and weight. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is the gravitational force on an object.

Read the questions (before reading the passage) UNRAVEL Underline the title Number the paragraphs Read the questions (before reading the passage) Are important words circled? Venture through/explore the passage Eliminate wrong answers Look back for answers