Session w2 What does the Holy Spirit do


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Presentation transcript:

Session w2 What does the Holy Spirit do Alpha Course Session w2 What does the Holy Spirit do

The Holy Spirit is a person! What kind of person is He? Last week we asked: Who is the Holy Spirit? Not: What is the Holy Spirit? This means: The Holy Spirit is a person! What kind of person is He? He is one of three persons of the “tri-une” God

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament He was actively involved in the creation He was given to specific people, for specific times, and for specific tasks He was promised to come more fully

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament He is the one by whom Jesus was anointed (Messiah = Christ = “anointed one”) which made it possible for Jesus to live the life He was called to live. Jesus promises Him as Comforter (“one called alongside to help”) for his followers This was shown with special signs and wonders at Pentecost 10 days after Jesus was ‘taken up or ascended to heaven’.

Today: What does the Holy Spirit do? John 3:3-8 Born-again, wind, born of the Spirit, beginning of new life Romans 8:1-2 No condemnation for believers, but set free from law and sin Romans 8:14-17; child of God, spirit of adoption by choice, changed from a beggar to a prince/princess (child of the King, Abba Father) with access to the Father 2 Corinthians 3:18; being transformed in Jesus’ likeness Galatians 5:22-23; the fruit of the Spirit Ephesians 4:3-4; unity of the Spirit in the family 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; gifts for all the children of God The Spirit gives us the power, and we are the witnesses Revelation 22:17 Invitation to all, receive the free gift of the water of life

Galatians 5 makes a clear distinction between bad and good as a result of our choices. The list below is subject of our study in small groups Bad Verses 19-21 The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . are obvious: sexual immorality 淫乱 yín luàn impurity 污秽 wū huì debauchery 邪荡; 好色 xié dàng ;   hǎo sè idolatry 拜偶像 bài ǒu xiàng witchcraft 行邪术;巫术 xíng xié shù ; wū shù hatred 仇恨 chóu hèn discord 争吵 zhēng chǎo jealousy 忌恨 jì hèn fits of rage 恼怒 nǎo nù selfish ambition 纷争 fēn zhēng dissensions 冲突 chōng tū factions 分裂 fēn liè envy 嫉妒 jī dù drunkenness 醉酒 zuì jiǔ orgies 沉溺于宴饮,狂欢 chén nì yú yàn yǐn , kuáng huān Good Verses 22-23 But the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is: love 仁爱 rén ài joy 喜乐 xǐ lè peace 和平 hé píng forbearance 忍耐 rěn nài kindness 恩慈 ēn cí goodness 良善 liáng shàn faithfulness 信实 xìn shí gentleness 温柔 wēn róu self-control 节制 jié zhì acts of the flesh fruit of the Spirit

Now watch the Alpha Course session w2 video in Chinese with English subtitles After the movie we’ll split in smaller groups to discuss the content