Example: What impulse is imparted by exerting a 12 N force for 4.0 s?


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Presentation transcript:

Example: What impulse is imparted by exerting a 12 N force for 4.0 s? Change in momentum = Impulse Impulse = F t where F = Force t = time that the force is exerted (F or t = 0???) Example: What impulse is imparted by exerting a 12 N force for 4.0 s?

Impulse is area under = (40 N)(6.0s) = 240 Ns Example - Impulse is area under F vs t graph t F 100 N 5.0 s Impulse is area under = (40 N)(6.0s) = 240 Ns

What is the impulse of a 6.12 N force acting for 2.3 seconds? 14 Ns

A rocket engine is rated at 14 Ns of impulse, and burns for 1 A rocket engine is rated at 14 Ns of impulse, and burns for 1.7 seconds. What is the thrust of the engine? 8.2 N

What is the impulse? 100 N F t 5.0 s 560 Ns Average F = 70 N, t = 8.0 s, Impulse = (70 N)(8.0 s) = 560 Ns 560 Ns

What is the impulse? 100 N F t 5.0 s 470 Ns Impulse = (40 N)(3.0 s) + (70 N)(5.0 s)= 470 Ns 470 Ns

What is the impulse of the D12 engine? 20 Ns Impulse = (10. N)(1.73 s-0.11 s) + (28 N-10 N)(0.42 - 0.21) = 19.98 Ns (about 20 Ns)