Special Warfare (SEAL) Officer Career Progression Career Path BUD/S & SQT (TRNG) ASST PLT CDR (DIVO) DEV TOUR (1) DEV TOUR (2) PLT CDR (DH) POST DH XO POST-XO TOUR CO POST-CO TOUR MAJ CMD TU/ TRP CDR or OPS CDR Assignment OPNAV N95, SOCOM J8, WARCOM N8 BUD/S & SQT (TRNG) CAPT Assignment MAJ CMD Ashore / Staff Lateral Transfers ASST PLT CDR (DIVO) ON RAMP Acquisition XO SBs CDR CMD SBs MAJ CMD SBs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 ASST SEAL PLT CDR 2nd ASST SEAL PLT CDR Special Boat Teams (SBT) Spec. Recon. Teams (SRT) Assistant OPS NPS/War College/Grad Ed Training / Staff O-3 Milestone DH Tours TU CDR TRP CDR Joint Tour Navy Staff Group Staff Grad Ed Training O-4 Milestone Tour Joint Staff Navy Staff Group Staff War College JIA O-5 Milestone Tour Joint Staff Navy Staff Group Staff TYCOM Staff Senior War College O-6 Milestone Tour Typical Billets NOTES Due to the nature of the SEAL Team Inter-deployment Training Cycle (IDTC) it is common to see LT (Platoon CDRs) and LCDR (Troop CDRs) “Air Gapped” in a group of Promotable rankings at the beginning of a cycle. This is necessary in order for the CO to properly evaluate the officers prior to distributing rankings. Graduate education in any subspecialty is valued regardless of source or method of achievement. DEPARTMENT HEAD (DH) TOURS (AQD: QD9): - SEAL Team Platoon Commander (PLT CDR) - SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) PLT CDR - Special Reconnaissance Team (SRT) Regional Specialist (RS) PLT CDR EQUIVALENT DH TOURS (AQD: QD9) for prior-enlisted SEALs: - SRT Troop Commander (TRP CDR) - Basic Training Officer at NSW Center (Phase OIC) - SEAL Qualification Training OIC - NSW Development Group (NSWDG) Maritime Mobility CDR ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD RATES (HISTORICAL 5-YEAR AVERAGE): XO SCREENING: 82% CDR CMD: 70% MAJ CMD: 54%