3.1 System Software.


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Presentation transcript:

3.1 System Software

Overview Describe the purpose and functions of an operating system including the basic start-up sequence of a computer. Identify the main features of a GUI.

Types of Software Applications software System software Utility programs Library programs

Start-up sequence of a computer The computer is first turned on. It loads the programming code and instructions on the BIOS chip into memory. It carries out the instructions in the order the system performs. The BIOS program then does a simple memory check. It then compares the information it has gathered with the information stored in the CMOS chip's setup program. If there are problems it halts the program. It then locates the Operating System. It loads the OS into RAM (Random Access Memory).

GUI Graphical User Interface Windows Icon Menu Pointer Requires less user skill More user friendly

Acronyms GUI Graphical User Interface WIMP Windows Icon Menu Pointer BIOS Basic Input/Output System CMOS Complementary metal– oxide–semiconductor OS Operating System

Associated words Operating system

Discussion What happens when a computer system is defragmented?