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Presentation transcript:


Great Leaders

Who is this?

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II has been queen since 5th February 1952

She had a special ceremony called a ‘coronation’.

She is married to Prince Philip.

She had 4 children. They are all grown up now.

Queen Elizabeth is 92 years old. She still works.

She still works. She raises lots of money for charity.

She still works. She visits lots of people.

She is a very good role model to people in our country.

The Royal Family have a special wedding in May.

Prince Harry is getting married.

He is getting married to this lady.

Meghan Markle

They will get married on Saturday 19th May.

It will be a Royal Wedding.

The last Royal Wedding was when Prince William and Kate Middleton got married.

We are going to have a party in school to celebrate the wedding of Harry and Meghan.

To celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Dear ________________________   Fitzwilliam Primary School Council   Invite you to attend a party on Friday 18th May, 1.30pm To celebrate the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Please wear your best party clothes. Gifts are optional but if you do wish to bring a small present then please choose one of the following stationary otems: pens, colouring pencils, writing pencils. We will send your kind gifts to our friends in The Gambia for them to use in the library.