25 years of being part of the mission of the United Reformed Church


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25 years of being part of the mission of the United Reformed Church
Presentation transcript:

25 years of being part of the mission of the United Reformed Church 1992-2017 25 years of being part of the mission of the United Reformed Church

Call to worship:   Come to celebrate a feast! Christ is risen and hope is born! Come to celebrate a jubilee! Twenty five years of Commitment for Life! Come to celebrate our faith! With all God’s people, in all the world!



2001 2002



2005 Make Poverty History Poster

2005 2006

2007 2008

2009 2010

2011 2012


Central America 2014 2015


Campaign Events

Taking action

Groups associated with CforL


Interns: Charis, Miriam, Ian, Tom and Amelia

Visits to Partner Countries

Partners visiting UK

Thank you for being committed to changing lives Commitment for Life exists to encourage all United Reformed Churches and Local Ecumenical Partnerships to take action and pray for people across the world so that we can make a difference in the lives of some of the world’s poorest people. Thank you for being committed to changing lives 2017

Words of Commitment:   In answer to the call of Christ, we give a life’s commitment. In response to those who are in poverty we will go on giving. In light of the world’s need we will speak and act for justice. In faith and love we offer commitment for life.
