Forest Fires in Italy Report on the year 2010 Lorenza COLLETTi Italian State Forest Service 26th MEETING OF THE EU GROUP OF FOREST FIRES EXPERTS Forest Fires in Italy Report on the year 2010 ZARAGOZA – 14-15th April 2011
Fires per Region - 2010
Fires per Region - 2010
Number of fires 1970-2010
Burnt area 1970-2010
Average burnt area 1970-2010
Fire victims Year Injured Deaths 2001 23 3 2002 37 5 2003 75 7 2004 35 2005 43 2006 17 1 2007 50 + 2008 30 4 2009 12 2010 22
Burnt land cadastre CFS collects fires data from the year1970 by using a sheet called “AIB/FN”; In the year 1997 the sheet has been updated, integrated with info on causes and digitalized; Since 2002 the burnt areas are also GPSed and an electronic sheet on all the fires is prepared; On 2006 the cadastre of burnt land is established by the CFS and further developed after year 2007.
Burtn land cadastre Called “RAFP”, such cadastre is part of the more general “land dossier” (Fascicolo territoriale) of CFS; It is connected with the IT National Forest Inventory and aims at tracking disturbance phenomena at municipality level to avoid perverse effects (building).
Conclusions 2010 turned out to be an year under the average level of fires for favorable weather conditions; 2011 could be more risky (low rain and high temperatures already during early spring); CFS is concentrating its efforts in cadastre of burnt areas, investigation and knowledge on causes (task force NIAB established in the year 2000)