Exalt His Name Understanding Music and Worship


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Presentation transcript:

Exalt His Name Understanding Music and Worship Chapter 2: Worship and the Great Commission


What Is Worship?

What Is Worship? Personally engaging in the act of telling God that you love him.

What Is Worship? Personally engaging in the act of telling God that you love him. Intense devotion Admiration Communication Nurtures our relationship with God

What Is Worship? Personally engaging in the act of telling God that you love him. Intense devotion Admiration Communication Nurtures our relationship with God Rejoices in the fact that Jesus is our: Friend Companion Healer Redeemer Sovereign Giver of Life Comforter Provider Peace

What Is Worship? Anglo-Saxon Word - weorthscipe.

What Is Worship? Anglo-Saxon Word - weorthscipe. Ascribe worth To pay homage To revere To venerate

What Is Worship? Worship is personal

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God Comes from a heart that is compelled by love for God

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God Comes from a heart that is compelled by love for God Involves our emotions (Spirit)

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God Comes from a heart that is compelled by love for God Involves our emotions (Spirit) Encompasses our understanding of truth

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God Comes from a heart that is compelled by love for God Involves our emotions (Spirit) Encompasses our understanding of truth The Holy Spirit prompts this heart-worship

What Is Worship? Worship is personal A private exercise that involves communicating personal love to a personal God Comes from a heart that is compelled by love for God Involves our emotions (Spirit) Encompasses our understanding of truth The Holy Spirit prompts this heart-worship Jesus is the giver and receiver of our worship

What Is Praise?

What Is Praise? The act of bragging on God

What Is Praise? The act of bragging on God Express approval or admiration for

What Is Praise? The act of bragging on God Express approval or admiration for Telling God that He alone deserves honor, glory, majesty

What Is Praise? The act of bragging on God Express approval or admiration for Telling God that He alone deserves honor, glory, majesty Acknowledge to God and the world around us that he is Creator, all-powerful, Sustainer, eternal, holy and righteous

Why Worship? Four Reasons

Why Worship? Four Reasons We have been commanded to worship God The first Commandment – Exodus 20:2-3

Why Worship? Four Reasons We have been commanded to worship God It takes the focus off of ourselves and directs it to God Acknowledge of who God is. Who is it though that we can do all things?

Why Worship? Four Reasons We have been commanded to worship God It takes the focus off of ourselves and directs it to God Prepares us to receive God’s Word People who practice a life of worship are also listening carefully to God When they hear God’s word – they will recognize it - they will obey it

Why Worship? Four Reasons We have been commanded to worship God It takes the focus off of ourselves and directs it to God Prepares us to receive God’s Word Provides us with the opportunity to look at all of life though the lenses of worship As we focus on God, (taking the focus off of us and focusing on His Word) we will begin to see the rest of life as God sees it – as it really is.

Why Worship? Four Reasons We have been commanded to worship God It takes the focus off of ourselves and directs it to God Prepares us to receive God’s Word Provides us with the opportunity to look at all of life though the lenses of worship Reminds us of who we are positionally and relationally to God Bonus – not in the text Positionally – God is God and we are not Relationally – We are His son’s and daughters. Purposely called by Him When we get this – truly understand it – it can be lie changing. We can come to him with confidence. He not only can do anything for us. But He WANTS to do it as well.

A Pattern for Worship Shutting out the rest of life and focusing on meeting with God Allows us to sharpen our focus Give Him our full attention Open our hearts (spirit) Revel in the truth of who God is and what He has done for us If you look at how we structure our worship service here. Take care of all the business – we take time to greet people so that we can acknowledge each other Then we pray to acknowledge the Lord’s presence so that we can begin to focus on Him Songs are chosen that typically narrow the focus and point us to Christ and God

Where do We Worship?

Where do We Worship? Anywhere

Where do We Worship? Anywhere – but somewhere

Where do We Worship? Anywhere – but somewhere It is not really important where you worship – but it must be purposeful and chosen to provide someplace that is set apart. A place where you can get away from the business of the world so that you can focus. This applies to public and private worship both Why do churches call their auditorium a “Sanctuary”?

When do We Worship?

When do We Worship? When we see Him Worship Him for who He is Worship Him for what He has done Worship Him for His great love for mankind To see – but also to know We won’t see until we reach heaven – but we have faith – and by faith – we know and see Him for who He is with out spiritual eyes

Doubters and Worship There will always be doubters Jesus did not rebuke those that doubted – or tell them to go home. He spoke truth with compassion and mercy. He tried to prove to them that He was who He said He was. He ministered to the believers and the doubters alike

Worship and the Word Only after worshipping can we hear the voice of God God speaks though: Reading of the Word Other Believers Teaching of the Word Still small voice of our circumstances Preaching of the Word Music This is not to say – that there is a formula to hearing from God. But by living a worshipful life – you are more in tune with what God is saying to you. You will be able to discern His voice and understand

Jesus Reveals His Credentials 18 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Mt 28:18–20.

Personal Worship Get away from the busy Establish an appointed place to meet with God daily “See” Jesus and recognize that He alone is the resurrected Son of God Worship Him Worship Him even if there are doubters in your life Listen to and obey His Word Recognize His power and receive His presence Stand on His promises

God’s Recipe for Music and Worship Next Week Large Picture God’s Recipe for Music and Worship

Thank You Christopher R Carlson 262 902 1579 Chris@Carlsonworld.net www.carlsonworld.com

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