Manage your Attitude.


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Presentation transcript:

Manage your Attitude

Manage your Attitude Ephesians 4:23-24

A Foothold in your Attitude Ephesians 4:27

A willingness to change Ephesians 4:17

Manage Your Words Ephesians 4:29

Anger can be an Attitude Ephesians 4:26,31

Manage your Thought Process Ephesians 4:23,17

Grateful Attitude

Truthful Attitude Ephesians 4:25

Forgiving Attitude Ephesians 4:32

Mind Your Surroundings Ephesians 5:1

Manage your Attitude Ephesians 4:23

Let God Manage your Mind Holy Spirit Attitude Let God Manage your Mind

A willingness to change Ephesians 4:17

Let God change your Mind Holy Spirit Attitude Let God change your Mind Ephesians 4:17

Manage Your Words Ephesians 4:29

Holy Spirit Attitude Let God use your words Ephesians 4:29

Anger can be an Attitude Ephesians 4:26,31

Let God manage your Anger Holy Spirit Attitude Let God manage your Anger Ephesians 4:26,31

Manage your Thought Process Ephesians 4:23,17

Let God take care of your thoughts Holy Spirit Attitude Let God take care of your thoughts Ephesians 4:23,17

Grateful Attitude

Let God govern your Grattitude Holy Spirit Attitude Let God govern your Grattitude

Truthful Attitude Ephesians 4:25

Let God train you in Truthfulness Holy Spirit Attitude Let God train you in Truthfulness Ephesians 4:25

Forgiving Attitude Ephesians 4:32

Model Gods Forgiveness Holy Spirit Attitude Model Gods Forgiveness Ephesians 4:32

Mind Your Surroundings Holy Spirit Attitude Mind Your Surroundings Ephesians 5:1

Holy Spirit Attitude God around You Ephesians 5:1