Chapter 1 Section 4 What are maps?


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Section 4 What are maps? Objectives: Explain why a globe is the most useful type of Earth map. Describe what happens when the round Earth is shown on a flat map.

Key Terms globe: three-dimensional model of Earth’s surface map: flat model of Earth’s surface distortion: error in shape, size, or distance

Globes A model is something that represents a real object such as a ship or an airplane. A globe correctly shows the shapes and sizes of features on Earth. For this reason a globe is the best model of Earth. Most globes, however, are too small to show much detail. Larger gloves are too big to handle. Imagine trying to carry a globe to school everyday.

DEFINE What is a globe?

Maps A map is two-dimensional. There are many kinds of maps. Some maps show the whole Earth. Other maps who only part of Earth. Maps that show a small part of Earth can show more details than maps that show more of Earth.

Maps Maps can show many different things. They can show the locations of and distances between place on Earth. Some maps show city streets. Other maps show buildings in a town. Some maps even show the weather or types of soil in an area.

2. IDENTIFY What features are shown on maps?

Distortion When a round surface such as Earth is shown on a flat map, errors occur. If the shapes on the map are correct, the distances may be wrong. If the distances are correct, the shapes may be wrong. Nearly all maps have some distortions. Maps of smaller areas have fewer distortions.

3. COMPARE Which would have more distortions, a map of the United States or a map of Florida? Explain.

Checking Concepts A map is a ___ model of Earth. The best model of Earth is a ___. Errors on a map are called ___.

Thinking Critically 4. EXPLAIN: Why is a globe the best model of Earth? 5. HYPOTHOSIZE: When would a flat map be more useful than a globe?

Thinking Critically 6. APPLY: Globes and maps can be used to find the distances between different places. Maria wanted to know how far it was from her house to her friend’s house in the next town. She tried to use a globe to find out. Why might Maria have a problem using a globe to find the distance between the two towns?