Tuesday, September 8th CP English 10


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, September 8th CP English 10 Please have out your grammar (Clauses and sentence types) packet to be checked. Look up the definition of “Subordinating Conjunction” on your phone and record the definition in your notes. Which sentence types incorporate subordinating conjunctions? Look up a list of common subordinating conjunctions and record ten in your notes. PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY ONCE THIS ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE.

SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS A subordinating conjunction is used to link a subordinate clause (also known as a dependent clause) to the main clause (also known as an independent clause). COMON SUB. CONJ. = After, although, as, as soon as, because, before, by the time, even if, even though, every time, if, in case, in order that, in the event that, just in case, now that, once, only if, provided that, rather than, since, so, that, than, that, though, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether, whether or not, while, why

…and their contributions to American Literature PURITANS …and their contributions to American Literature As you take notes, look for: VOCABULARY – Frugality, Pre-destination, Theocracy TERMINOLOGY = Plain Style, Inversion

Who are the Puritans? Colonists/settlers from Europe who came to America in the 1600s for religious freedom Religious reformers that did not withdraw from the Church of England who intended to reform the Church from within

How are they different from Pilgrims? Pilgrims were also religious reformers, however, they withdrew from the Church of England and became known as “Separatists”

What was the Puritans’ Purpose? Hoped to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “city upon a hill,” a model community guided in all aspects by the Bible. Their form of government was a theocracy, a state under the immediate guidance of God Please record this definition under the vocabulary portion of your notes!

What were the Puritans’ Central Beliefs? Human beings exist for the glory of God The Bible is the sole expression of God’s will Man is basically evil Predestination (according to the Puritans): God has already decided who will achieve salvation and who will not Continual hard work and discipline Education (for religious purposes)

How does predestination work? No one knows if they are “chosen” so, all devout Puritans searched their souls with great rigor and frequency for signs of grace The “elect” that will be saved mustn’t take election for granted, thus everyone must live as if they know they were elected

Puritan Ideals Today Hard work (“Puritan Ethic”) Frugality (avoids wastefulness) Self-improvement Self-Reliance Education …are all values inherited from the Puritans as basic American virtues

Ten Commandments of Puritan Lifestyle 1) Thou shalt not miss church and community meetings. 2) Thou shalt work hard and support my fellow pilgrims. 3) Thou shalt worship a strict and Christian God. 4) Thou shalt put the Lord first in my life and obey his words. 5) Thou shalt live by the 10 Commandments as written in the Holy Bible. 6) Thou shalt not dress in bright colors or dance in a wicked manner. 7) Thou shalt not perform witchery nor conjure the devil. 8) Thou shalt not have any opinions or beliefs not held by the entire community. 9) Thou shalt build my home simply and not clutter it with decorations. **remember this one tomorrow** 10) Thou whom shalt disobey these commandments will be banished or be hanged.

CP ENGLISH 10 – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH Please pick up a practice grammar sheet from your bin beneath the flag. In addition to selecting the correct answer, please underline any subordinating conjunctions you come across and circle any coordinating conjunctions. Circle the correct answer. I realize it is not correctly labeled “a,b,c,d…”

Let’s Review: Who withdrew from the Church of England? Who remained involved with the Church of England? Puritans or Pilgrims Explain the Massachusetts Bay Colony idea of “city upon a hill”. What is a theocracy? Explain “Predestination”. How do you know where you will end up?

How did the Puritans contribute to American literature? Wrote theological studies, hymns, histories, biographies and autobiographies with the purpose of spiritual insight and instruction Fiction and Drama = Sin Puritans did write poetry as a vehicle for spiritual enlightenment

Puritan Writing Sole purpose = moral instruction The writing style of the Puritans reflected the plain style of their lives – spare, simple, straightforward.

Intro – Plain Style and Inversion TERMINOLOGY!!!!! Plain Style –emphasized uncomplicated sentences and used common everyday words. Plain and simple. Inversion - refers to the practice of changing the conventional placement of words. *think yoda* Miss Oliverio my name is. Sunshine this weekend I hope for.

Our First Puritan Poet --- YAY!! Intro. To Anne bradstreet “Burning of Our House…”