The Close of a Book on Hope and Grace


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Presentation transcript:

The Close of a Book on Hope and Grace 1 Peter 5:10-14

The Close of a Book on Hope and Grace The Book Closes with…Perspective (5:10a) Suffering is for “a little while” (cf. Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:16-18) Heavenly glory is “eternal” (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17-18; Matt. 25:46) The eternal glory is only for those who are “in Christ” The Book Closes with…Promises (5:10b) The God of all grace will Himself “perfect” you To put in order, mend, repair, complete, make whole The God of all grace will Himself “establish” you To confirm, set up, make secure, make fast, fix firmly in place, support The God of all grace will Himself “strengthen” you To make strong, impart strength, in order to resist attack The God of all grace will Himself “settle” you To make a foundation, provide solid foundation, ground firmly

The Close of a Book on Hope and Grace The Book Closes with…Praise (5:11) Praising God should be our natural inclination “In all things” God must “be glorified” (4:11) For all time and in all ages, God has “dominion” (power) The Book Closes with…Purpose (5:12) To exhort and testify to readers who were suffering persecution To confirm the truths of the gospel = “the true grace of God” To urge Christians to take their stand in and for the gospel The Book Closes with…Partings (5:13-14) Brethren need the encouragement from one another (5:13) Brethren need the sincere love from one another (5:14a) Brethren need the peace that is only found in Christ (5:14b)

Do you have God’s hope and grace? Believe Jesus is God’s Son – Mark 16:16 Repent of your sins and turn to God – Acts 2:38 Confess your faith in Jesus – Romans 10:9-10 Be immersed into Christ – Galatians 3:27 God will wash away all of your sins – Acts 22:16 God will add you to His church – Acts 2:47 God will register you in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 Walk faithfully with the Lord – 1 John 1:7