Do Something Good Club
Good Things Done Bio Tour Bus Environmentally friendly school bus that runs on used vegetable oil that travels the US
Good Things Done Canned food drive Collected over 100 pounds of food, which was given to a local food pantry in Emlenton
Good Things Done Jeans for Teens 84 pairs of slightly used jeans were collected and donated to Aeropostale
Good Things Done Chinese Auction Provided student with an opportunity to shop for slightly used items for Christmas presents for family and friends
Good Things Done Cell phone for soldiers and thank you letters Collected over 30 cell phones Wrote over 20 letters to soldiers serving over seas
Good Things in Progress Recycling program Kicked off the year with the bio tour bus assembly and introduced our recycling program to the entire high school students and staff Every classroom has a cardboard box for paper recycling Paper is collected by club members, bound with twine, and weighed
Recycling continued… After paper is weighed, it is taken weekly, first by students, now by custodians, to the Parker recycling drop-off container. A big THANKS to the Mayor of Parker!
Recycling struggles Abitibi will not provide us with bins because of our location Other waste management programs are too expensive ($150 per month/$300 per pick up) Grants that had previously been offered to recycling are no longer being given
Recycling benefits Grand Total: 1968 lbs of paper Month Total pounds recycled: October 205.2 lbs November 320 lbs. December 298 lbs. January 594.3 lbs February 551.2 lbs. Grand Total: 1968 lbs of paper
More that we can do? Waste audit was conducted-energy conservation ..\Waste Audit Paper.doc Composting Pat Web, Master Gardner from Penn State Extension Office, will provide us with three plastic bins to get us started
Composting participants Joe Graf has agreed to make three additional bins in his wood shop classes Joni Saylor is interested in having her Biology classes help with the project as well as possibly do verma composting
Composting ideas Use the compost to “spruce up” the high school court yards Home Economics could use the compost and grow their own herbs
Composting Congratulations A special congratulations is given to Caroline Blauser, who worked hard and received the Planet Connect composting grant of $500 to help implement our composting program
Upcoming Projects Promote Earth Hour March 28th @ 8:30 pm Power in Numbers – community clean up Community education on composting
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