Optimizing Insulin Therapy in Primary Care: Basal Plus Incretin Combinations.


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Presentation transcript:

Optimizing Insulin Therapy in Primary Care: Basal Plus Incretin Combinations

Program Overview

Clinical Inertia in Primary Care

Adding Insulin: Clinical Inertia

The Importance of Controlling PPG

Many Options for Intensifying T2DM Therapy

Challenge for Guideline Developers

Adherence to Injectable T2DM Therapy

Benefits of Adding GLP-1 RA to Insulin Therapy

Basal Insulin/GLP-1 RA: Fixed Ratio Combination

Clinical Trial Results: Glycemic Control

Future Use of Basal Insulin/GLP-1 RA

Patient Case 1: Profile

Patient Case 1: Profile (cont)

Patient Case 1: Glycemic Target

Patient Case 1: Treatment Options

Patient Case 1: Treatment Options (cont)

Patient Case 2: Profile

Patient Case 2: Profile (cont)

Patient Case 2: Treatment Options


Summary (cont)