Psalm 142:1-7 WHO CARES FOR MY SOUL?. Psalm 142:1-7 WHO CARES FOR MY SOUL?


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Presentation transcript:

Psalm 142:1-7 WHO CARES FOR MY SOUL?

GOD CARES Genesis 2:7 “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” Acts 17:28 “in Him we live and move” James 1:17 “every good and perfect gift” John 3:16 “God so loved the world…” “So loved” – shows degree of His love for You!

GOD CARES 1 John 4:9,10 “He loved us…” Romans 5:8 “God demonstrates His own love…” 1 Peter 5:6,7 “He cares for you.” 2 Peter 3:9 “not willing that any should perish…”

CHRIST CARES Matthew 20:28 – came to be a ransom for many Luke 19:10 “seek and to save that which was lost” Romans 5:7,8 “while we were still sinners…” 1 Peter 5:7 “He cares for you”

CHRIST CARES Titus 2:13,14 “He might redeem us from every lawless deed…” Hebrews 7:25 “He always lives to make intercession for them.” Matthew 11:28 “come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

THE HOLY SPIRIT CARES John 14:26 “He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” Revelation 22:17 "COME... take of the waters of life freely!”

THE ANGELS CARE Luke 15:7 NKJV 7 "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:10 ”Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." They not only CARE – they REJOICE when your soul is saved

CHRISTIANS CARE Matthew 28:18-20 “all nations” Matthew 7:21 “do the will of My Father” John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep my commandments” Galatians 6:1 “you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness…”

“Do not come to this place!” LOST WHO HAVE DIED CARE Luke 16:19-31 “'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, 28 'for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’…” “Do not come to this place!”

DO YOU CARE FOR YOUR OWN SOUL? 2 Corinthians 5:10 “each one may receive the things done in the body” Romans 14:12 “give account of himself to God” Do we really care for our souls! Have you been obedient to the Gospel? 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

DO YOU CARE FOR YOUR OWN SOUL? Christian – WHY, if you DO care for your soul, is your ATTENDANCE SPORADIC, and ATTITUDE toward His church CARELESS and INDIFFERENT? Revelation 2:10 “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”