Formal Lab Report Guidelines SNC 2D – Ms. Pasic
Lab Report Checklist Title page Purpose or Objective Materials/Apparatus Procedure Results or Observations Results/Analysis Conclusions References/Works Cited
Bottom of page at left (can also be centered middle of page) Title Page Centered title Neat and professional Includes Title of Experiment Name Name of Partners Date submitted Teacher you are submitting the lab report to Class Bottom of page at left (can also be centered middle of page)
Purpose and Procedure Titles each underlined Purpose or Objective Why are you doing the experiment? Do NOT use personal pronouns I did this, we did that… etc. Use third person language and passive voice. The purpose of the lab is… This was done to… 2 5 sentences long. Succinct Procedure What you will do in the experiment (see sample lab for more details) Can be numbered to help organize steps
Titles each underlined Materials Materials list Apparatus and safety equipment Chemicals used (include concentration) Titles each underlined Bullet points
Results Data table Graphs Figures Other observations or changes in procedure Text is centered in table Consistent significant digits used in each column
Results – Data Table Table should have a title and listed as “Table 1, Table 2” etc., including what is in the table The table size should fit the data (does not need to be full page width) Tables must not be split across two pages. Text is centered in table Consistent significant digits used in each column
Figure 1 because it is the first figure in the paper Results -graphs Figure 1 because it is the first figure in the paper Each figure is clearly labelled “Figure 1, Figure 2”… etc. so figures can be referenced in the analysis or discussion questions. Figures do not need to take up the entire width of the page. Other text from the results section can be wrapped around it.
Title is italic, capitalized, Results - Graphs Title is italic, capitalized, left justified Labelled x and y axis Clear title of graph Limited white space In this example: Scatterplot Trend line used Trend line Label for each axis
Analysis Analysis of results is guided by your discussion questions. The analysis should reference your data, class data (if applicable) and figures. Include Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. while analyzing data, so that the audience can reference the tables or figures easily during reading. References to outside sources may be used here. Include a partial citation of the author’s last name and year of publication in the text (Author, 2017). The full citation will be listed in the references/works cited section. In text citation
Conclusions and References Brief summary of most important findings Extensions to other contexts, applications or “real world” examples References Alphabetical by author last name Include author(s), year of publication, Title, url or book title. For full referencing in APA format there’s a great site at 0/01/ Alphabetical by authors last name
General guidelines Do not use personal pronouns during the lab report (I, we, you, our) Write in third person and passive voice Be as succinct as possible Font 12 font “serif” font such as Times New Roman All margins same size on all pages Spacing consistent throughout paper (either double or single) Use consistent font within tables, charts, and graphs where possible Use full words, do not use short forms or conjunctions such as don’t, can’t etc. Do not use abbreviations or slang terms