Copper Gold Tin Tungsten Cu Oil Gas Gold Cu Coal Precious Stones Lead Zinc Copper Tin Fe Rare Earth Uranium Oil Gas Michael Stanley, Mining Lead World.


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Presentation transcript:

Copper Gold Tin Tungsten Cu Oil Gas Gold Cu Coal Precious Stones Lead Zinc Copper Tin Fe Rare Earth Uranium Oil Gas Michael Stanley, Mining Lead World Bank Group September 23, 2011 Washington, D.C.

Aynak Copper (2010) Hajigak Iron Ore (2011) Dushi Gold (2010) Amu Darya Basin(2011) Investments are In-bound: An opportunity to leverage economic growth and diversification

EITI Transparency Initiative Transition: Sustained Growth Building on Governance Achievements GovernanceGrowth Other Donor Technical Assist. US AID, DFID, NORAD, US DoD World Bank Technical Assistance SDNRP $40 mil 2006 SDNRP II $52 mil 2011 Sustainable Resource Corridors: Integrated, inclusive growth

Sustainable Resource Corridor Development Local / Regional Economic Development Enterprise Development Open Access Infrastructure Information Comm. Tech Energy, Power, Water Transport Public – Private Integrated Planning and Development Agreements Social Mobilization / Dispute Resolution Public Financial management Environmental / Social Management Resource Corridors: A Programmatic Approach Building Adsorptive Capacities GovernanceGrowth

Local National Regional Integrated planning Economic Linkages / Enterprise Dev. Social Mobilization PPP infrastructure / risk management Eminent Domain / land reform Resource Corridors: A spatial / temporal approach building adsorptive capacities

Year 2 World Bank Group Input: Power or water Economic diversification, clusters Map Legend Mine Zone of Economic / cultural impact Output Infrastructure Resource Corridors: A Spatial / Temporal Summary

Resource Corridor Summary : government / donors, private sector and community / civil society partnerships leverage investment lending with coordinated, integrated policy actions, technical assistance and risk mitigation instruments integrating local & regional economic development plans (private & public), investment lending (public private) programmatic approach across several years and many coordinated tasks Michael Stanley Leverage investments for sustained economic growth and diversification