Vocabulary and Grammar Bellwork Week One


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary and Grammar Bellwork Week One The Outsiders Vocabulary and Grammar Bellwork Week One

Every Day Week of Monday, March 23 Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

Monday, April 30th 1. connotation- noun- an additional sense or senses associated with or suggested by a word or phrase. 2. bleak- adj.- unwelcoming or providing little comfort or shelter 3. nonchalant- adj.- indifferent or calm and unconcerned about things. 4. gingerly- adv.- very cautiously, in a wary or tentative way 5. rueful- adj.- regretful, feeling or showing regret 6. savvy- noun- shrewdness and practical knowledge

Block Part 1 7. conform- verb- to behave or think in a socially acceptable or expected way 8. sage (Not the herb!)- noun- a wise person, especially an older person with good judgment 9. bawl- verb- to shout loudly or cry very loudly and energetically 10. unfathomable- adj.- impossible to measure or impossible to understand 11. roguishly- adj.- dishonest or without principles in manner 12. appositive phrase- noun- a word or phrase that describes or redefines a noun in a sentence.

Block Part 2 Write out the sentence and circle the context clues that show the vocabulary word’s meaning. 1. The news that my well laid plans did not work was almost unfathomable. 2. The TV villain roguishly sneered and gave a devilish laugh. 3. The description “plus-size” has a more positive connotation than other words that could be deemed insulting.

Block Part 3 Write out the complete sentence. Then, underline the appositive phrase in the sentences. 1. The connotation, or implied meaning, was clear. 2. The weather, rain and sleet, looked rather bleak. 3. Reggie, a sensitive child, frequently bawled when he didn’t get his way.

Thursday, May 3rd Write out the sentences and insert an appositive phrase noun that best describes the subject. 1. The wise sage, ________________, is who I wish I could go to for advice. 2. My friend, _________________ ,is someone I consider very savvy. 3. ___________________, an independent spirit, is my friend who is least likely to conform to anyone else’s expectations.

Friday, May 4th Choose three of the words below that describe either you or someone close to you. Write out how that person demonstrates the characteristics of the word. You can use the same person for each of the three words, or you can use three different people. bleak nonchalant rueful savvy sage