Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012 Work Programme 2013 Gunter Schäfer Head of Unit Eurostat Unit E4 Regional indicators and geographical information Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Our mission Eurostat to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. National statistics are important for national purposes in Member States whereas EU statistics are essential for decisions and evaluation at European level Eurostat’s mission is to provide the European Union with a high-quality statistical information service. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Decision-makers at EU level, in Member States, in local government and in business need statistics to make decisions The public and media need statistics for an accurate picture of contemporary society Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Our mission Unit - Regional indicators and geographical information Management of the common geographical information service used by the Commission Provision of statistics to support the European Cohesion Policy Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012 Key objectives in 2013 Support policy-making by the use of spatial information combined with social, economic and environmental statistics Put in place a more integrated production system of EU statistics aiming at efficiency gains Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

Cross-cutting actions Coordination of Sub-national Statistics in Eurostat, in the Commission and in the ESS Improvement of the technical infrastructure for urban and regional statistics Quality improvement actions and methodological work related to the data collections Improvement of dissemination tools Cooperation with Eurostat thematic units on regional statistics data collection in all phases of the statistical production cycle, the further evolution of indicators, metadata maintenance and their methodological basis as well as dissemination issues. Coordination with policy DGs of the Commission on regional, maritime, rural and urban statistics. Cooperation with ESS on regional maritime, rural and urban statistics related issues. The process includes the actions related to the revision and maintenance of the degree of urbanisation classification. Improvement of the technical tools for the data validation, loading and processing of the production database Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Revision of the collection and dissemination of the regional labour market data Quality issues of the regional labour market data (different sources used at NUTS 3 level) Eurostat Regional Yearbook 2013 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Urban statistics Implementation of the Urban Audit data collection 2012/2013 Rework the concept of the Urban Audit for the period 2014 and beyond Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Spatial dimension Safeguarding of the NUTS classification and managing the revision Aiming at a harmonised definition of Labour Market Areas (LMA) Updating the Web-ILSE application Coordination of the NUTS classification and regular revision via amendment regulations as well as Implementing Regulations. The process includes annual collection of Local Administrative Unit 2 (LAU 2, commune level) as basis for definition of NUTS boundaries. Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development New data collection round to complement the database Compilation of aggregates based on regional typologies The process covers: - - - elaboration of statistical publications (dedicated websites, SiFs, Statistics Explained pages, pocketbooks) devoted to rural development, maritime statistics and regional labour market Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Maritime statistics Coordination mainly with DG MARE, DG MOVE and DG REGIO Compilation of indicators Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Thank you for your attention! Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012