Agro-forestry & crop combination options


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Presentation transcript:

Agro-forestry & crop combination options Dr Calliope Panoutsou Biomass Department CRES

Contents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats Aim Biomass resources available in south EU Agro- biomass Forest biomass Current RTD projects Future options Future RTD needs Challenges Recommendations- Conclusions

Aim Collecting information on experiences gained with and possibilities for dedicated bioenergy crop combinations as well as agro-forestry options which promise to combine high yields with relatively low environmental impacts. 28-Dec-18

Strengths Climate favors several resource options Residual resources with low moisture Energy crops with high yielding potential Energy crops can be complementary to current activities in time and resources (human & machinery) Uncertain policy framework (new CAP) leads farmers to seek new cropping options Political pressure on RES & bioenergy (Biomass Action Plan) Emissions & Biofuels Directives (2003/87/EC, 2003/30/EC) could be a means for high biomass demand

Weaknesses Semi-arid conditions require irrigation Landscape associated risks (erosion, water runoff, desertification levels) Small farming size compared with central, northern EU member states Lack of “fully” mechanized agriculture RTD fragmented, reflecting great diversity of crops, supply routes and end uses. Difficult forest management, fire risks, lack of road infrastructure, etc. Need to evaluate the whole chain; an integrated approach to deliver quality, availability and cost targets and achieve competitiveness. 28-Dec-18

Opportunities Identify dedicated low impact high yielding cropping systems suitable for med regions Create supply chains combining residual forms and energy crops. Establish fuel supply chains which will act as links among biomass producers & users Evaluate resource options both for industrial & with waste fractions (e.g. energy properties (biorefinery supplies) Combine agro- forestry biomass with waste streams (demolition wood, packaging paper, etc.) Create communication channels & synergies with the farming & forestry community 28-Dec-18

Threats Traditional “food” agriculture systems not aware of energy- industry markets Variety of feedstocks with different physical- chemical properties Lack of specified agricultural machinery for certain energy crops Low knowledge levels in the farming & forestry communities Complexity of issues & associated groups involved require prior to start- up planning and strong day-to-day coordination 28-Dec-18

Biomass energy in south EU High growth rate in wind energy but slow expansion of biomass singled out as key reason for failure to reach targets. Modest progress in southern countries. Limited data for energy crops: RTD small scale fields cannot give answers for commercial scale up Lack of forest management practices dedicated to energy in most south states

Agro-biomass potential Land use (Mha) 28-Dec-18

Agro-biomass potential Dry biomass (Mt/y) 28-Dec-18

Agro- biomass potential Dry biomass (%) 28-Dec-18

Agro- biomass potential Biomass production (t) 28-Dec-18

Forests EU 25: Land cover (2000) 28-Dec-18

Annual increment, fellings (2000) Growing stock (Million m3) EU N: 6,420 EU C: 10,546 EU S: 2,767 Annual increment, fellings (2000) 28-Dec-18

Current RTD projects ENK6 CT2001 00524: Bioenergy chains for south Europe Four perennial grasses: giant reed, cynara, switcgrass, miscanthus Three thermochemical processes: combustion, gasification, pyrolysis Whole chain economics & environmental assessments Harvest window ensuring year round supply Good time allocation of resources Crops are complementary to current agricultural activities

Current RTD projects Cynara cardunculus: BIOCARD 6FP Perennial crop suitable to med conditions Can be rainfed Wide range of products from biodiesel, heat & electricity Good potential for biorefinery feedstock… 28-Dec-18

Future RTD needs Establish competitive supply chains to meet market requirements. Optimise bioenergy systems, matching production options through to conversion requirements. Improve know-how for stages between production and conversion. 28-Dec-18

Resource production Yield & Characteristics Sustained high yields over long term under commercial (not research) conditions Multi-cropping of selected perennial crops for energy Optimise forest management systems also for energy Agronomy to influence biomass quality Combined approaches of residual biomass & energy crops examined at pre-commercial chains Determine production systems that best integrate with chain including conversion requirements.

Harvesting & Collection Effectiveness & Speed Test existing machinery Develop and test new machines and components Low contamination harvesting methods Harvesting and collection must be effective and high speed, deliver feedstock in optimal state, and minimize site impacts

Storage & Transport Reliability & Quality Minimization of risks: fire, health. Ensure quality: feedstock physical specifications Optimise technology for chips / bales / pellets Assess different logistic structures, such as centralized fuel depots.

System integration System sustainability – energy and emissions balance over life cycle of chain System costs – vertical integration or each step as profit centre? Stakeholders consultation – agro-industry, hauliers, energy industry, local communities. Emergence of international trade of standardised biomass fuels – impacts? Minimization of risk throughout the chain and demonstrating schemes can be financed.

Challenges Supply the industry with secure raw material Efficient land use by the use of whole- crop solutions as well as exploiting both fertile and marginal land. Ensure that both primary production and residues will be evaluated for their energy potential Sustainability in biomass production- handling Improve the acceptability of biomass filiere by strengthening the communication channels among the relevant stakeholders, especially the farming- forestry sectors with the respective fuel and energy sectors. Local biomass production & international biomass trade 28-Dec-18

Future options Perennial crops, like cynara, giant reed, miscanthus and SRC like eycalypts, robinia Annual crops possibilities for double cropping like in Germany Green crop harvesting for AD-biogas and a second crop option for bioenergy – biofuels?? Integrate energy crops within the current crop patterns as complementary activities Ensure harvest window with crop selection Integrate forest & agricultural activities to ensure supply 28-Dec-18

Recommendations Integrated waste management strategies Introduce efficient land use strategies, complementary to current systems and regional characteristics Sustainable forest residual harvest for energy prevents fire risks. “Make sure the message is clear enough!!” 28-Dec-18

Conclusions- Next Steps To be completed with your valuable input!! Thank you for your attention