December 18 Nov. 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: SG4c Closing Report for Dallas.


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Presentation transcript:

December 18 Nov. 2006 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: SG4c Closing Report for Dallas Nov. 2006, USA Date Submitted: Nov. 2006 Source: Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contact: Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Voice: 480 699-7444, E-Mail: Re: Closing Report for Nov Sessions Abstract:Closing Report for the SG4c Sessions in Dallas, USA. Purpose: To investigate use of sub GHz for IEEE 802.15.4. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

December 18 Nov. 2006 SG4c Purpose To pave the way for amending 802.15.4-2006 to include a sub-GHz PHY appropriate for use in China. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

December 18 Nov. 2006 Meeting Objectives Discuss Progress / Status of Chinese WPAN Standards activity. Review differences between 802.15.4-2006 and the proposed Chinese WPAN standard. Discuss appropriateness of preparing PAR and 5C documents at this point. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

December 18 Nov. 2006 Meeting Achievements Presentation (3) on the current status of proposed Chinese WPAN Standard. Presentation (1) on differences between 802.15.4-2006 and proposed Chinese WPAN Standard. Review and discussion of basis for differences. List of questions generated by study group (included in minutes 15-06-0502-00-004c) to be fed back by Chinese WPAN Liaison (Ling Li) – answers and data requested to be reviewed and discussed in weekly calls. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

Meeting Achievements (cont’d.) December 18 Nov. 2006 Meeting Achievements (cont’d.) Postponed submitting of PAR and 5C docs until: Answers, data, etc. are received, reviewed. Feedback to Chinese WPAN on proposed harmonization can be generated and sent. Response received from Chinese WPAN. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

December 18 Nov. 2006 Acknowledgements Liang Li and Kuor-Hsin Chang for preparing presentations for sessions. Liang Li for continuing role as Liaison to Chinese WPAN Standards body. Kuor-Hsin Chang for serving as Acting Secretary during the sessions. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

Motion to Working Group December 18 Nov. 2006 Motion to Working Group Motion: That the 802.15 WG approve extending the 805.15 Study Group 4c (SG4c) through the March Plenary Mtg. Clint Powell, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.