Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers
Dividing Decimals by Single Digit Whole Number When dividing a decimal by a whole number, divide as with whole numbers. Then place the decimal in the quotient directly above its place in the dividend. Example:
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Dividing a Decimal by a 2-Digit Whole Number The decimal point is placed in the quotient directly above its place in the dividend.
An Example with Rounding If the problem doesn’t result in a remainder of zero, round the quotient to the thousandths unless specified otherwise. You will do this by adding zeros to the dividend. Example:
Dividing With Money When calculating money in division, you will always round to the nearest cent (hundredth). Example: $2.53 divided by 2.
Practice Problems
Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal When dividing by a decimal, change the divisor into a whole number. To do this, multiply both the divisor and the dividend by the same power of 10. Then divide as with a whole number. *You can simply count the number of places you move the decimal in the divisor and move the same amount in the dividend. Ex. 0.9 X 10=9 1.71 X 10=17.1 You move both decimals one place to the right.
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Zeros in the Quotient and Dividend Annex zeros in the dividend to continue dividing after the decimal point. Example:
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Reminder: Any time your answer contains only a decimal, you must annex a zero before the decimal in the ones place. Ex. .75 – Incorrect 0.75 - correct