Chapter 6 Section 1 Pages 324-333 The Early Middle Ages Chapter 6 Section 1 Pages 324-333
II. The Germanic Kingdoms Europe: many kingdoms after Rome fell People closer to Rome: more Roman; farther from Rome: more Germanic
A. Who Were the Franks? Franks(Germanic tribe) settled France Clovis (king) became Catholic Christianity remained Europe's major religion Charles Martel
B. Who Was Charlemagne? Pepin’s son, Charles: Pope Power Set up courts Became Christian king Earned the name Charlemagne or Charles the Great Pope Power crowned Charlemagne: Roman Emperor Shows power of the Pope/religion Set up courts
D. The Holy Roman Empire Invasions destroyed Frankish kingdoms King Otto I, sent troops to protect the Pope reward, made Otto Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I
III. The Rise of the Catholic Church stability after fall of Western Roman Empire
A. Why Were Monks Important? Irish monk (Patrick) taught Christianity His success: more monks teaching(missionaries) Charles “the Great”was Christian spread Christianity Catholic