Comenius project “Life in our neighborhood-life in our city” Popular places among teenagers (In our city Boulevard)
Boulevard While walking in Šiauliai boulevard people can see a variety of architecture, objects such as marvelous fauntains, interesting sculptures, a lot of shopping malls. There one can watch people singing or playing the musical instruments, various theater perfomances and boys showing tricks with skateboards. In summer our boulevard looks amazing! In the boulevard there are blooming flowers, green trees, people riding bicycles or skateboards. It‘s really a good place to hang out with friends and have much fun.
Interesting sculptures
Telephone booths
Aušros alley
Bakery- Cafe “Kavakukis” “Kavakukis” is the most visited and the most popular place among teenagers in the boulevard. In this café people spend time merrily, listening to the music, meeting friends, resting, playing various games. There are friendly, polite cashiers and kind, cheerful people. There you can taste delicious coffee and hot just- baked buns or cakes.“
There you can taste hot just-baked buns or cakes
Delicious coffee
There are friendly and polite cashiers