Statistical Capacity Measurement at the World Bank Grant Cameron World Bank Group PARIS21 CD4.0 Workshop December 2018
What is Stats Capacity Development? Capacity to collect, compile, and disseminate to inform national and international policy decisions. Capacity of the NSS: the group of statistical organizations and units that collect, process and disseminate official statistics on behalf of national government. Supports transformation that is generated and sustained over time from within.
Why assess SCD? To assess statistical performance on a global scale To foster inter-country comparisons To inform national planning and strategic processes To inform program/project design
WBG family of SCD assessment measures and tools SCB Indicator (updated annually) Systemic Country Data Diagnostics diagnostics (updated when SCD is revised) Country profiles (updated when SCD is revised) Customized assessments (ad hoc, upon request) ALL
Tools follow a common structure Long-term goals collect, compile, and disseminate to inform national and international policy decisions Produce credible statistical products Maximize user experience Continually adapt to changing needs, opportunities, threats Outcomes Enabling Environment (Legislation, inst’l arrangements) Organization (Structure, processes, capital) Individual (Skills, working culture) Supporting elements
Remarks Tough to measure capacity directly, many intangibles, many subjective elements Fit assessment effort to the purpose Link to best practices and global standards
Measurement challenges Measure/incentivize improving national statistics through better inter-country data sharing Measures of formalization of roles of other Data Ecosystem statistical producers Clients objective is to reduce “distance to the frontier” Reflecting that political support & senior Management Capacity shifts faster than other supporting elements