Pompeii Lost Civilizations Loulan.


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Presentation transcript:

Pompeii Lost Civilizations Loulan

Fast-reading Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1. Where are Pompeii and Loulan? 2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan? 3. What was Loulan buried beneath? Pomeii is in Italy and Loulan is in China. Both of them became lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago. Loulan was buried beneath the sand.

went to a lecture about Pompeii saw the ancient city of Pompeii In Italy Day1---7.15 para2 went to a lecture about Pompeii Day2 ---7.16 saw the ancient city of Pompeii Day3---7.17 Para3,4 arrived in Loulan Day4---7.24 para5 knew some information about Loulan from Professor Zhang Day5---7.25 para6

Historical information Place names Historical information Personal feelings & opinions Pompeii city volcano It was _______in the 8th century BC. The Romans _______it. It has been a _____city. founded took over rich It _______and all the people in Pompeii were _____alive, and so was the city! erupted Unfortu-nately buried

Careful Reading Para.3 and 4 L15 1) How was Pompeii discovered? 2) What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for? 3)What did researchers use to produce the figures of the dead people? L20 L24


Personal feelings & opinions Careful reading-------Para.5 Place names Historical information Personal feelings & opinions Loulan I am so excited to be here It was a ______point on the famous______ between the East and the West. stopping Silk Road

Para.6 F 1.Around the year 1800 Sven Hedin discovered Loulan. 2.An ancient water system ran through the east of the city. 3.That people cut trees resulted in the disappearance of Loulan. F F T

summary I was so excited to have a ________ to visit Pompeii and Loulan. Let’s introduce them to you. Pompeii was _________ in the 8th century BC. A volcano erupted on August AD 79 and _______ the city alive. A farmer found a stone with writing on it. Then people began to dig in the area in ________ of treasure. Things including streets, houses and bodies of the people _________ the same as they were 2000 years ago. Loulan ________ almost 2000 years ago, and was a wealthy __________ city as well as a stopping point on the Silk Road. From AD 200 to AD 400, __________ covered over the green land. Around 1900, an explorer discovered the _______________ of Loulan. The remains of buildings were buried under the sand, together with a lot of treasures. There was an ancient water system _________ through the middle of the city. chance founded buried search remained existed commercial sandstorm ruins/remains running

1.安排sb.去做sth. 2.失落文明 3.感到幸运去做… L1 4.以…闻名 L4 5.听讲座 L7 6.占领 L8 7.周围的村庄 L10 8.被活埋 L11 9.导致很多损坏 L17 10....被置于政府保护之下L17 11.被保护及研究 L18 12.踏脚石 L20 13.踩在泥上 L20 14.被壁画所装饰 L21 15.结果是…/原来是… L22 16.未能逃离城市 L23 17.分解 L23 18.生动的形象 L25 19.商业城市 L30 20.一个落脚点 L31 21.人们相信 L32 22.当地的文化研究所 L36 23….的废墟 L37 24.建筑物的遗迹 L38 25.被埋在沙下 L38 26.和…一起 L39