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The future city The future house The future bed.

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2 The future city


4 The future house

5 The future bed

6 six students make up one group and discuss the pictures,then answer the following question one by one. Suppose you are traveling to “A city of the future”, please imagine what you will see there. What will be different from a present city ? Group work

7 The city of future Book 4 Module 1 Reading and vocabulary

8 Fast reading (5’) Answer these questions about the passage. 1.What have students in Texas university done? 2.Where will garbage ships go ? 3.Who will batman nets catch ? 4.Where won’t people be allowed to smoke ? 5.How will people go shopping ? They have thought how to run a city in 2025. To the sun Criminals Within a city’s limits Online

9 6. What number will people keep for life ? 7.What won’t people have to pay for ? 8. How will cars be different ? 9. What will doctors do from a distance ? 10. Where will old people go without moving ? Their telephone number Recreation They’ll be powered by electrivity Surgery anywhere in the world

10 Careful reading Find out the words and phrases from the text with their meanings. 1.A problem which prevent you from doing something _____________ 2.Not in a building ______________ 3.From the sun ______________ 4.Free time activities, such as sport and entertainment _____________ 5.You can use this to catch a lot of fish at the same time____________ 6. through the internet _____________ 7. a place where you can get medical treatment _____________ 8. to do with town or city life ____________ 9. a shopping center ___________ 10. to use up or finish completely ____________ 11. medical treatment in which the doctor cuts open your body________ disability outdoors solar recreation net online clinic urban mall Run out surgery

11 Fill in the following blanks: What will the city of the future _____ ______ ? No one knows ____ _____,And _________ ___________ is a risky business. But one thing is ______-- they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. In the future, ____________ the environment will become very important as earth’s natural Resources _____ _____. We will use lots of _________ ___________, such as plastic, aluminium,steel,glass,wood and paper, and we will waste fewer__________ resources. We will also have to _____ more ____ alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. All this seems certain, but there are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not ________. Look like for sure making predictions certain care for run out recycled materials natural rely on certain

12 Discussion : What changes will take place in schools, public services, traffic, and weather? Useful words: Robot, jet packs, hoverboards, computer, microchips, implant, virtual helmets, bring lessons to life… Global warming

13 1. 谁也说不准,而且猜测也是件冒险的事. 2. 未来城市市内将不允许吸烟. 3. 每一个人在出生的时候都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活 在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变. 4. 所有的汽车都将采用电能,太阳能或风能,只要轻轻一拨开关, 汽车就会改变颜色. No one knows for sure and making predictions is a risky business. No smoking will be allowed within a future city’s limits. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will Never change no matter where they live. All cars will be allowered by electricity,solar energy or wind,and it will be possible to change the color of cars at the flick of a switch.

14 1.In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth’s natural resources run out. (1) Care for 爱护,关心. (2) run out 用完,用光.是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态. Run out of 用完,用光. 主语必须是人. Eg. He __________________( 花光了钱 )that his mother gave yesterday. When water___________ (用光了), he stood there helpless. has run out of money run out

15 2.To get rid of garbage problem, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. (1) get rid of 摆脱,除去,去掉. 翻译:他还没有改掉抽烟这个坏习惯. ______________________ (2) load….with… 把 … 装上 … 类似结构的词组: fill…with…. cover…with… equip…with… 现在分词做结果状语 不定式做目的状语 He hasn’t got rid of the bad habit of smoking.

16 Homework Write a passage to describe the future city life according to our text. such as the car, the house, the transport,,ect. In my opinion, the future city life will …

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