Energy, Motion and Force PHYSICS BASICS Energy, Motion and Force
PHYSICS The science of matter and energy and their interactions.
ENERGY The capacity to perform work & cause change Examples: It’s best to think of it like “stuff” that you can store & move in different ways.
Energy storage All energy is the same Energy is stored in different ways Analogy: information Analogy: Money
Energy Transfer Energy can move (or flow) from one system to another in different ways Energy transfer changes both systems. Analogy: Information Analogy: money
It’s all the same “stuff” The energy is the same before, during and after the move. Analogy: Information Analogy: money
MOTION The action or process of moving or changing place or position
Potential Energy Ep Stored energy Could do something but isn’t right now. Must do something with it to know its value Analogy: Money in the bank.
Kinetic energy Ek Stored energy When things are in motion Provides information about Ep Analogy: spending money