Why people Do Drugs.


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Presentation transcript:

Why people Do Drugs

Why do you think people do drugs?

Why People Do Drugs People take drugs because they often want to change something about their lives.

More Reasons Why Here are some of the reasons young people have given for taking drugs: to escape or relax to relieve boredom to rebel to experiment to fit in

What defines “cool”? Do you think doing drugs and being a part of the drug culture make you “cool”? Why? Where do you think your perception of “cool” comes from?

Best High Do you think that people do drugs to feel better? Can you think of a time where you felt really great? What brought that about?

Tripping Do you think people take drugs to forget about their problems? Do you think that it works?

“One of the Guys” Do you think that people take drug and alcohol to “fit in” with their friends? What does this say about the relationships?

Many teens and adults think that drugs are a solution…

…but eventually, the drug can become the problem.

In many situations drugs become a crutch that that people lean on and in many ways can be seen as a weakness. Something that is filling a void or masking a greater issue. What are some examples of issues that people have that may resort to drug use? Low self-esteem, lack of true friends, social awkwardness or anxiety, media influences…

Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the possible consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real solution is to get the information and the facts and let those guide your decisions.

Class Activity – Prior knowledge In small groups you will be given words and definitions. In your group matchup the words with their definitions. After you are completed we will correct them as a class. Additional Activity - See handout