Bloom of Doom Michael Philippe-Auguste, Wendy Stewart, Jared Robbins,Yves Jodesty, Laticia Stewart, Gerard DiChara
Experiment Test the effects on Aiptasia from decreased light levels created by phytoplankton blooms Test the effects on Aiptasia from eutrophication of water due to the use of fertilizers.
Background Information Fertilizers used in South Florida are high in nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen Zooxanthellae stop providing nutrition to corals in fertile areas Areas of high nutrition can fuel the growth of multi-cellular algae and seaweeds Such blooms can inhibit the level of light allowed to aptasia
Procedure Test whether growth inhibition and/or bleaching is greater with exposure to: Decreased light level Increased nutrients Decreased light levels with increased nutrients
Hypothesis We believe lower light levels will arrest growth more than increased nutrient levels
Until Next time…. Figure 1: Aiptasia polyp waiving good bye